Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Donald Tomaskovic-DeveyUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibile pubblicamente: 1
The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in Advanced Capitalist Economies
O Godechot, D Tomaskovic-Devey, I Boza, LF Henriksen, AS Hermansen, ...
American Journal of Sociology 130 (2), 439-495, 2024
Mandati: Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv, hälsa och välfärd, European Commission …
Disponibili pubblicamente: 15
Women at work: Women’s access to power and the gender earnings gap
AK Abendroth, S Melzer, A Kalev, D Tomaskovic-Devey
ILR Review 70 (1), 190-222, 2017
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Rising between-workplace inequalities in high-income countries
D Tomaskovic-Devey, A Rainey, D Avent-Holt, N Bandelj, I Boza, D Cort, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (17), 9277-9283, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Danish Council for Independent Research …
Gender pay gaps in US federal science agencies: An organizational approach
L Smith-Doerr, S Alegria, K Husbands Fealing, D Fitzpatrick, ...
American Journal of Sociology 125 (2), 534-576, 2019
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries (Vol 7, Pg 184, 2023)
AM Penner, T Petersen, AS Hermansen, A Rainey, I Boza, MM Elvira, ...
NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR 7 (2), 291-291, 2023
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Danish Council for Independent Research …
Occupations, workplaces or jobs?: An exploration of stratification contexts using administrative data
D Avent-Holt, LF Henriksen, AE Hägglund, J Jung, N Kodama, SM Melzer, ...
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 70, 100456, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Danish Council for Independent Research …
A relational inequality approach to first-and second-generation immigrant earnings in German workplaces
SM Melzer, D Tomaskovic-Devey, R Schunck, P Jacobebbinghaus
Social Forces 97 (1), 91-128, 2018
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Categorical distinctions and claims-making: opportunity, agency, and returns from wage negotiations
C Sauer, P Valet, S Shams, D Tomaskovic-Devey
American Sociological Review 86 (5), 934-959, 2021
Mandati: German Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The organizational production of earnings inequalities, Germany 1995–2010
D Tomaskovic-Devey, SM Melzer
PloS one 15 (9), e0237970, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
A tale of force: examining policy proposals to address the issue of police violence
K Preito-Hodge, D Tomaskovic-Devey
PREPRINT forthcoming paper in Social Currents, 2020
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
Profit, Trust, and Contract: Alternative or Complimentary Logics in Market Exchange?
D Tomaskovic-Devey, D Avent-Holt, C Zimmer, S Harding
Trust, and Contract: Alternative or Complimentary Logics in Market Exchange, 2016
Mandati: Australian Research Council
Inertia, Progress, or Regress? Observing and Explaining Heterogenous Tech Firm Demographic Diversity Trajectories
JH Han, D Tomaskovic-Devey
Work and Occupations, 07308884241252338, 2024
Mandati: European Commission
Estimating Firm-, Occupation-, and Job-Level Gender Pay Gaps with US Linked Employer-Employee Population Data, 2005 to 2015
J King, M Mendoza, A Penner, A Rainey, D Tomaskovic-Devey
Socius 9, 23780231231157678, 2023
Mandati: US National Science Foundation
The Great Separation
O Godechot, A Baudour, M Safi, M Soener, D Tomaskovic-Devey
Mandati: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Immigrant–native pay gap driven by lack of access to high-paying jobs
AS Hermansen, A Penner, M Elvira, O Godechot, M Hällsten, ...
Mandati: Danish Council for Independent Research, European Commission, Research …
Occupations, Workplaces or Jobs?: An Exploration of Stratification Contexts Using Administrative Data
LF Henriksen, J Jung, N Kodama, SM Melzer, E Mun, A Rainey, ...
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, Danish Council for Independent Research
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