Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Christoph SpötlUlteriori informazioni
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Monitoring Bunker Cave (NW Germany): A prerequisite to interpret geochemical proxy data of speleothems from this site
DFC Riechelmann, A Schröder-Ritzrau, D Scholz, J Fohlmeister, C Spötl, ...
Journal of Hydrology 409 (3-4), 682-695, 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Simulating speleothem growth in the laboratory: Determination of the stable isotope fractionation (δ13C and δ18O) between H2O, DIC and CaCO3
M Hansen, D Scholz, BR Schöne, C Spötl
Chemical geology 509, 20-44, 2019
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
The demise of the Last Interglacial recorded in isotopically dated speleothems from the Alps
MC Meyer, C Spötl, A Mangini
Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (5-6), 476-496, 2008
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
A terrestrial U/Th-dated stable isotope record of the Penultimate Interglacial
C Spötl, D Scholz, A Mangini
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 276 (3-4), 283-292, 2008
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
Speleothems from the earliest Quaternary: Snapshots of paleoclimate and landscape evolution at the northern rim of the Alps
MC Meyer, RA Cliff, C Spötl, M Knipping, A Mangini
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (15-16), 1374-1391, 2009
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
Hydrogeochemistry and fractionation pathways of Mg isotopes in a continental weathering system: Lessons from field experiments
S Riechelmann, D Buhl, A Schröder-Ritzrau, C Spötl, DFC Riechelmann, ...
Chemical Geology 300, 109-122, 2012
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Stalagmite-inferred centennial variability of the Asian summer monsoon in southwest China between 58 and 79 ka BP
TT Zhang, TY Li, H Cheng, RL Edwards, CC Shen, C Spötl, HC Li, LY Han, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 160, 1-12, 2017
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Precisely dated multidecadally resolved Asian summer monsoon dynamics 113.5–86.6 thousand years ago
X Jiang, X Wang, Y He, HM Hu, Z Li, C Spötl, CC Shen
Quaternary Science Reviews 143, 1-12, 2016
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Carbon isotope exchange between gaseous CO2 and thin solution films: Artificial cave experiments and a complete diffusion-reaction model
M Hansen, D Scholz, ML Froeschmann, BR Schöne, C Spötl
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 211, 28-47, 2017
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Holocene climate variability in Central Germany and a potential link to the polar North Atlantic: A replicated record from three coeval speleothems
SA Mischel, D Scholz, C Spötl, KP Jochum, A Schröder-Ritzrau, S Fiedler
The Holocene 27 (4), 509-525, 2017
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Stable isotopes in a stalagmite from NW Sweden document environmental changes over the past 4000 years
HS Sundqvist, K Holmgren, A Moberg, C Spoetl, A Mangini
Boreas 39 (1), 77-86, 2010
Mandati: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Palaeoenvironmental changes in the northwestern Tethys during the Late Campanian Radotruncana calcarata Zone: Implications from stable isotopes and geochemistry
S Neuhuber, S Gier, J Hohenegger, E Wolfgring, C Spötl, P Strauss, ...
Chemical Geology 420, 280-296, 2016
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
Speleothem δ13C record suggests enhanced spring/summer drought in south-eastern Spain between 9.7 and 7.8 ka – A circum-Western Mediterranean anomaly?
A Budsky, D Scholz, JA Wassenburg, R Mertz-Kraus, C Spötl, ...
The Holocene 29 (7), 1113-1133, 2019
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Carbonate deposits from the ancient aqueduct of Béziers, France—A high-resolution palaeoenvironmental archive for the Roman Empire
C Passchier, G Sürmelihindi, C Spötl, R Mertz-Kraus, D Scholz
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 328-340, 2016
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Immediate temperature response in northern Iberia to last deglacial changes in the North Atlantic
JL Bernal-Wormull, A Moreno, C Pérez-Mejías, M Bartolomé, A Aranburu, ...
Geology 49 (8), 999-1003, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Government of Spain
The sedimentary history of the inner‐alpine Inn Valley, Austria: extending the Baumkirchen type section further back in time with new drilling
S Barrett, R Starnberger, R Tjallingii, A Brauer, C Spötl
Journal of Quaternary Science 32 (1), 63-79, 2017
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
Little Ice Age climate changes in Southwest China from a stalagmite δ18O record
TY Li, SY Xiao, CC Shen, J Zhang, CJ Chen, H Cheng, C Spötl, R Huang, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, 110167, 2021
Mandati: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The aqueduct of Gerasa–intra-annual palaeoenvironmental data from Roman Jordan using carbonate deposits
C Passchier, G Sürmelihindi, D Boyer, C Yalçın, C Spötl, R Mertz-Kraus
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, 110089, 2021
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite
P Németh, P Töchterle, Y Dublyansky, R Stalder, Z Molnár, S Klébert, ...
American Mineralogist 107 (10), 1960-1967, 2022
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, National Office for …
Last interglacial hydroclimate in the Italian Prealps reconstructed from speleothem multi-proxy records (Bigonda Cave, NE Italy)
VE Johnston, A Borsato, S Frisia, C Spötl, JC Hellstrom, H Cheng, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 272, 107243, 2021
Mandati: Governo Italiano
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