Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Sven N. NielsenUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 2
A new Pliocene mollusk fauna from Mejillones, northern Chile
SN Nielsen
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 87, 33-66, 2013
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Pliocene balanuliths from northern Chile: The first report of fossil balanuliths
SN Nielsen
Palaios 24 (5), 334-335, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Disponibili pubblicamente: 21
Paleontologic evidence for sedimentary displacement in Neogene forearc basins of central Chile
KL Finger, SN Nielsen, TJ Devries, A Encinas, DE Peterson
Palaios 22 (1), 3-16, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Long‐term persistence of subduction earthquake segment boundaries: Evidence from Mejillones Peninsula, northern Chile
P Victor, M Sobiesiak, J Glodny, SN Nielsen, O Oncken
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B2), 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Rapid and major coastal subsidence during the late Miocene in south-central Chile
A Encinas, KL Finger, SN Nielsen, A Lavenu, LA Buatois, DE Peterson, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 25 (2), 157-175, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Nuevo esquema estratigráfico para los depósitos marinos mio-pliocenos del área de Navidad (33º00'-34º30'S), Chile central
A Encinas, JP Le Roux, LA Buatois, SN Nielsen, KL Finger, E Fourtanier, ...
Revista geológica de Chile 33 (2), 221-246, 2006
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Bay sedimentation as controlled by regional crustal behaviour, local tectonics and eustatic sea-level changes: Coquimbo Formation (Miocene–Pliocene), Bay of Tongoy, central Chile
JP Le Roux, DM Olivares, SN Nielsen, ND Smith, H Middleton, J Fenner, ...
Sedimentary Geology 184 (1-2), 133-153, 2006
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A Pliocene mega-tsunami deposit and associated features in the Ranquil Formation, southern Chile
JP Le Roux, SN Nielsen, H Kemnitz, Á Henriquez
Sedimentary Geology 203 (1-2), 164-180, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Quaternary origin of the inverse latitudinal diversity gradient among southern Chilean mollusks
S Kiel, SN Nielsen
Geology 38 (10), 955-958, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A revision of the type specimens of Tertiary molluscs from Chile and Argentina described by d'Orbigny (1842), Sowerby (1846) and Hupé (1854)
M Griffin, SN Nielsen
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 6 (3), 251-316, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Early Miocene subtropical water temperatures in the southeast Pacific
SN Nielsen, J Glodny
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 280 (3-4), 480-488, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
The late Oligocene–early Miocene marine transgression of Patagonia
A Encinas, A Folguera, F Bechis, KL Finger, P Zambrano, F Pérez, ...
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes, 443-474, 2018
Mandati: Government of Argentina
The Neogene Volutidae (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) from the Pacific coast of Chile
SN Nielsen, D Frassinetti
Journal of Paleontology 81 (1), 82-102, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Early Pleistocene mollusks of the Tubul Formation, south-central Chile
SN Nielsen, C Valdovinos
Nautilus 122 (4), 201, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Morphological, geochemical, and ecological differences of the extant menardiform planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia menardii and Globorotalia cultrata
M Regenberg, SN Nielsen, W Kuhnt, A Holbourn, D Garbe-Schönberg, ...
Marine Micropaleontology 74 (3-4), 96-107, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Palaeobiogeographical provenance, taphonomy, and mode of life of Aturia cubaensis (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) from Cainozoic deposits of Chile
SN Nielsen, K Bandel, B Kröger
Geobios 42 (1), 73-88, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
The Miocene Architectonicidae (Gastropoda) of Chile
SN Nielsen, D Frassinetti
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 81, 291-303, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Depositional environment of Stelloglyphus Ilicoensis isp nov.: a new radial trace fossil from the Neogene Ranquil Formation, south-central Chile
J Le Roux, SN Nielsen, Á Henríquez
Mandati: German Research Foundation
The genus Struthiochenopus (Gastropoda, Aporrhaidae): new Miocene records from southern Chile
SN Nielsen, A Encinas
Journal of Paleontology 88 (1), 152-159, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Ipunina, a new genus perhaps of Litiopidae (lower Caenogastropoda), from the Neogene of southern Chile
SN Nielsen, D Frassinetti
Journal of Molluscan Studies 74 (3), 253-257, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
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