Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Timothy FerdelmanUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 8
Phosphate oxygen isotopes: Insights into sedimentary phosphorus cycling from the Benguela upwelling system
T Goldhammer, B Brunner, SM Bernasconi, TG Ferdelman, M Zabel
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (13), 3741-3756, 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Dynamics of zero-valent sulfur species including polysulfides at seep sites on intertidal sand flats (Wadden Sea, North Sea)
A Kamyshny Jr, TG Ferdelman
Marine Chemistry 121 (1-4), 17-26, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Intermediate sulfur oxidation state compounds in the euxinic surface sediments of the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (Black Sea)
A Lichtschlag, A Kamyshny Jr, TG Ferdelman, D deBeer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 105, 130-145, 2013
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Methane at the sediment–water transition in Black Sea sediments
N Riedinger, B Brunner, YS Lin, A Vossmeyer, TG Ferdelman, ...
Chemical Geology 274 (1-2), 29-37, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Methane fluxes in marine sediments quantified through core analyses and seismo-acoustic mapping (Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea)
KM Hilligsøe, JB Jensen, TG Ferdelman, H Fossing, L Lapham, H Røy, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 239, 255-274, 2018
Mandati: Danish National Research Foundation, European Commission
Sedimentary iron cycling in the Benguela upwelling system off Namibia
P Böning, B Schnetger, L Belz, T Ferdelman, HJ Brumsack, K Pahnke
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538, 116212, 2020
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Calcium–ammonium exchange experiments on clay minerals using a 45Ca tracer technique in marine pore water
C Ockert, LM Wehrmann, S Kaufhold, TG Ferdelman, BMA Teichert, ...
Isotopes in environmental and health studies 50 (1), 1-17, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Linking sedimentary sulfur and iron biogeochemistry to growth patterns of a cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, SW Ireland (IODP Expedition 307)
LM Wehrmann, J Titschack, ME Böttcher, TG Ferdelman
Geobiology 13 (5), 424-442, 2015
Mandati: German Research Foundation, Leibniz Association
Disponibili pubblicamente: 42
The environmental controls that govern the end product of bacterial nitrate respiration
B Kraft, HE Tegetmeyer, R Sharma, MG Klotz, TG Ferdelman, RL Hettich, ...
Science 345 (6197), 676-679, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from sea floor to basement in deep-sea sediments
S D’hondt, F Inagaki, CA Zarikian, LJ Abrams, N Dubois, T Engelhardt, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (4), 299-304, 2015
Mandati: Australian Research Council, German Research Foundation
A constant flux of diverse thermophilic bacteria into the cold Arctic seabed
C Hubert, A Loy, M Nickel, C Arnosti, C Baranyi, V Brüchert, T Ferdelman, ...
Science 325 (5947), 1541-1544, 2009
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
Microbial sequestration of phosphorus in anoxic upwelling sediments
T Goldhammer, V Brüchert, TG Ferdelman, M Zabel
Nature Geoscience 3 (8), 557-561, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Heterotrophic organisms dominate nitrogen fixation in the South Pacific Gyre
H Halm, P Lam, TG Ferdelman, G Lavik, T Dittmar, J LaRoche, S D'hondt, ...
The ISME journal 6 (6), 1238-1249, 2012
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Carbon and sulfur back flux during anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane and coupled sulfate reduction
T Holler, G Wegener, H Niemann, C Deusner, TG Ferdelman, A Boetius, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (52), E1484-E1490, 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Oxygen minimum zone cryptic sulfur cycling sustained by offshore transport of key sulfur oxidizing bacteria
CM Callbeck, G Lavik, TG Ferdelman, B Fuchs, HR Gruber-Vodicka, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1729, 2018
Mandati: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, German Research …
Turnover of microbial lipids in the deep biosphere and growth of benthic archaeal populations
S Xie, JS Lipp, G Wegener, TG Ferdelman, KU Hinrichs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (15), 6010-6014, 2013
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Iron and manganese speciation and cycling in glacially influenced high-latitude fjord sediments (West Spitsbergen, Svalbard): evidence for a benthic recycling-transport mechanism
LM Wehrmann, MJ Formolo, JD Owens, R Raiswell, TG Ferdelman, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 628-655, 2014
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Control of sulphate and methane distributions in marine sediments by organic matter reactivity
P Meister, B Liu, TG Ferdelman, BB Jørgensen, A Khalili
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 104, 183-193, 2013
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation, Danish …
Subsurface microbiology and biogeochemistry of a deep, cold‐water carbonate mound from the Porcupine Seabight (IODP Expedition 307)
G Webster, A Blazejak, BA Cragg, A Schippers, H Sass, J Rinna, X Tang, ...
Environmental Microbiology 11 (1), 239-257, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Determination of dissimilatory sulfate reduction rates in marine sediment via radioactive 35S tracer
H Røy, HS Weber, IH Tarpgaard, TG Ferdelman, BB Jørgensen
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 12 (4), 196-211, 2014
Mandati: Danish National Research Foundation
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