Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Francesco LoretoUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 10
Diversification of volatile isoprenoid emissions from trees: evolutionary and ecological perspectives
S Fineschi, F Loreto, M Staudt, J Peñuelas
Biology, controls and models of tree volatile organic compound emissions, 1-20, 2013
Mandati: Government of Spain
Root colonization by Pseudomonas chlororaphis primes tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) plants for enhanced tolerance to water stress
F Brilli, S Pollastri, A Raio, R Baraldi, L Neri, P Bartolini, A Podda, F Loreto, ...
Journal of plant physiology 232, 82-93, 2019
Mandati: Governo Italiano
How do plants sense volatiles sent by other plants?
F Loreto, S D’Auria
Trends in plant science 27 (1), 29-38, 2022
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Relationship between isoprene emission and photosynthesis in diatoms, and its implications for global marine isoprene estimates
KGS Dani, AMS Benavides, M Michelozzi, G Peluso, G Torzillo, F Loreto
Marine Chemistry 189, 17-24, 2017
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Effects of water stress on emission of volatile organic compounds by Vicia faba, and consequences for attraction of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis
G Salerno, F Frati, G Marino, L Ederli, S Pasqualini, F Loreto, S Colazza, ...
Journal of Pest Science 90, 635-647, 2017
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Physiological and antioxidant responses of Quercus ilex to drought in two different seasons
I Nogues, J Llusia, R Ogaya, S Munne-Bosch, J Sardans, J Penuelas, ...
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2014
Mandati: Government of Spain
Isoprene emission in the monocot Arundineae tribe in relation to functional and structural organization of the photosynthetic apparatus
M Ahrar, D Doneva, D Koleva, A Romano, M Rodeghiero, T Tsonev, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 119, 87-95, 2015
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Bidirectional flux of methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein in trees with different isoprenoid emission under realistic ambient concentrations
S Fares, E Paoletti, F Loreto, F Brilli
Environmental science & technology 49 (13), 7735-7742, 2015
Mandati: European Commission, Governo Italiano
Isoprenoid emissions by the Mediterranean vegetation in Castelporziano
S Fares, F Loreto
Rendiconti Lincei 26, 493-498, 2015
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Origin, evolution, and future of isoprene and nitric oxide interactions within leaves
V Velikova, KGS Dani, F Loreto
Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (3), 688-706, 2023
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Disponibili pubblicamente: 73
Abiotic stresses and induced BVOCs
F Loreto, JP Schnitzler
Trends in plant science 15 (3), 154-166, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Physiological responses of forest trees to heat and drought
H Rennenberg, F Loreto, A Polle, F Brilli, S Fares, RS Beniwal, A Gessler
Plant Biology 8 (05), 556-571, 2006
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Increased thermostability of thylakoid membranes in isoprene-emitting leaves probed with three biophysical techniques
V Velikova, Z Várkonyi, M Szabó, L Maslenkova, I Nogues, L Kovács, ...
Plant Physiology 157 (2), 905-916, 2011
Mandati: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Detection of plant volatiles after leaf wounding and darkening by proton transfer reaction “time-of-flight” mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF)
F Brilli, TM Ruuskanen, R Schnitzhofer, M Müller, M Breitenlechner, ...
PLoS One 6 (5), e20419, 2011
Mandati: Austrian Science Fund
Plant phenotyping research trends, a science mapping approach
C Costa, U Schurr, F Loreto, P Menesatti, S Carpentier
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1933, 2019
Mandati: European Commission
Volatile isoprenoid emissions from plastid to planet
SP Harrison, C Morfopoulos, KGS Dani, IC Prentice, A Arneth, BJ Atwell, ...
New Phytologist 197 (1), 49-57, 2013
Mandati: Australian Research Council, Swedish Research Council for Environment …
Isoprenoids and phenylpropanoids are part of the antioxidant defense orchestrated daily by drought‐stressed Platanus × acerifolia plants during Mediterranean …
M Tattini, F Loreto, A Fini, L Guidi, C Brunetti, V Velikova, A Gori, F Ferrini
New Phytologist 207 (3), 613-626, 2015
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from vegetation fires
P Ciccioli, M Centritto, F Loreto
Plant, cell & environment 37 (8), 1810-1825, 2014
Mandati: Governo Italiano
The effect of light quality on growth, photosynthesis, leaf anatomy and volatile isoprenoids of a monoterpene-emitting herbaceous species (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and an …
C Arena, T Tsonev, D Doneva, V De Micco, M Michelozzi, C Brunetti, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 130, 122-132, 2016
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Reconciling functions and evolution of isoprene emission in higher plants
F Loreto, S Fineschi
New Phytologist 206 (2), 578-582, 2015
Mandati: Governo Italiano
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