Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Dagmar KainmuellerUlteriori informazioni
Disponibili pubblicamente: 37
A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain
LK Scheffer, CS Xu, M Januszewski, Z Lu, S Takemura, KJ Hayworth, ...
elife 9, e57443, 2020
Mandati: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Wellcome Trust
Shape constrained automatic segmentation of the liver based on a heuristic intensity model
D Kainmüller, T Lange, H Lamecker
Proc. MICCAI Workshop 3D Segmentation in the Clinic: A Grand Challenge 109, 116, 2007
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A Connectome of the Adult Drosophila Central Brain
CS Xu, M Januszewski, Z Lu, S Takemura, KJ Hayworth, G Huang, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.01. 21.911859, 2020
Mandati: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Wellcome Trust
Automatic Segmentation of the Pelvic Bones from CT Data Based on a Statistical Shape Model.
H Seim, D Kainmueller, M Heller, H Lamecker, S Zachow, HC Hege
VCBM 8, 93-100, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Cell dynamics underlying oriented growth of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc
NA Dye, M Popović, S Spannl, R Etournay, D Kainmüller, S Ghosh, ...
Development 144 (23), 4406-4421, 2017
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Federal …
Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation
L Maier-Hein, A Reinke, P Godau, MD Tizabi, F Buettner, E Christodoulou, ...
Nature methods 21 (2), 195-212, 2024
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation, Helmholtz Association, Academy of Finland …
Automatic extraction of mandibular nerve and bone from cone-beam CT data
D Kainmueller, H Lamecker, H Seim, M Zinser, S Zachow
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2009: 12th …, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
An articulated statistical shape model for accurate hip joint segmentation
D Kainmueller, H Lamecker, S Zachow, HC Hege
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Mandati: German Research Foundation
3D reconstruction of the human rib cage from 2D projection images using a statistical shape model
J Dworzak, H Lamecker, J von Berg, T Klinder, C Lorenz, D Kainmüller, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 5, 111-124, 2010
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A study of lagrangean decompositions and dual ascent solvers for graph matching
P Swoboda, C Rother, H Abu Alhaija, D Kainmuller, B Savchynskyy
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Understanding metric-related pitfalls in image analysis validation
A Reinke, MD Tizabi, M Baumgartner, M Eisenmann, D Heckmann-Nötzel, ...
Nature methods 21 (2), 182-194, 2024
Mandati: Swiss National Science Foundation, Helmholtz Association, Academy of Finland …
Coupling Deformable Models for Multi-object Segmentation
D Kainmueller, H Lamecker, S Zachow, HC Hege
International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation, 69-78, 2008
Mandati: German Research Foundation
A searchable image resource of Drosophila GAL4-driver expression patterns with single neuron resolution
GW Meissner, A Nern, KF Zachary Dorman, Gina M. DePasquale, ...
eLife 12:e80660, 2022
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
A Convex Relaxation for Multi-Graph Matching
P Swoboda, D Kainmueller, A Mokarian, C Theobalt, F Bernard
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Mandati: European Commission
Patchperpix for instance segmentation
L Mais, P Hirsch, D Kainmueller
European Conference on Computer Vision, 288-304, 2020
Mandati: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Human …
A Connectome of the Male Drosophila Ventral Nerve Cord
S Takemura, KJ Hayworth, GB Huang, M Januszewski, Z Lu, EC Marin, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.06. 05.543757, 2023
Mandati: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Wellcome Trust
Automated detection and quantification of single RNAs at cellular resolution in zebrafish embryos
LC Stapel, B Lombardot, C Broaddus, D Kainmueller, F Jug, EW Myers, ...
Development 143 (3), 540-546, 2016
Mandati: Human Frontier Science Program
Omnidirectional displacements for deformable surfaces
D Kainmueller, H Lamecker, MO Heller, B Weber, HC Hege, S Zachow
Medical image analysis 17 (4), 429-441, 2013
Mandati: German Research Foundation
An articulated statistical shape model of the human knee
M Bindernagel, D Kainmueller, H Seim, H Lamecker, S Zachow, HC Hege
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2011: Algorithmen-Systeme-Anwendungen …, 2011
Mandati: German Research Foundation
Automated reconstruction of whole-embryo cell lineages by learning from sparse annotations
C Malin-Mayor, P Hirsch, L Guignard, K McDole, Y Wan, WC Lemon, ...
Nature biotechnology 41 (1), 44-49, 2023
Mandati: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UK Medical Research Council, Human Frontier …
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