Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - M. Tugrul YilmazUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 4
Performance evaluation of satellite-and model-based precipitation products over varying climate and complex topography
M Amjad, MT Yilmaz, I Yucel, KK Yilmaz
Journal of Hydrology 584, 124707, 2020
Mandati: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and …
Monthly flooded area classification using low resolution SAR imagery in the Sudd wetland from 2007 to 2011
DC Wilusz, BF Zaitchik, MC Anderson, CR Hain, MT Yilmaz, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 194, 205-218, 2017
Mandati: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
An explainable two-stage machine learning approach for precipitation forecast
AUG Senocak, MT Yilmaz, S Kalkan, I Yucel, M Amjad
Journal of Hydrology 627, 130375, 2023
Mandati: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Time-independent bias correction methods compared with gauge adjustment methods in improving radar-based precipitation estimates
KP Yousefi, MT Yilmaz, K Öztürk, I Yucel, KK Yilmaz
Hydrological Sciences Journal 68 (14), 1963-1983, 2023
Mandati: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Disponibili pubblicamente: 11
The Evaporative Stress Index as an indicator of agricultural drought in Brazil: An assessment based on crop yield impacts
MC Anderson, CA Zolin, PC Sentelhas, CR Hain, K Semmens, MT Yilmaz, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 174, 82-99, 2016
Mandati: US Department of Agriculture
Diagnosing neglected soil moisture source–sink processes via a thermal infrared–based two-source energy balance model
CR Hain, WT Crow, MC Anderson, MT Yilmaz
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (3), 1070-1086, 2015
Mandati: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Evaluating the performance of a WRF initial and physics ensemble over Eastern Black Sea and Mediterranean regions in Turkey
E Duzenli, I Yucel, H Pilatin, MT Yilmaz
Atmospheric Research 248, 105184, 2021
Mandati: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Scientific and …
The added utility of nonlinear methods compared to linear methods in rescaling soil moisture products
MH Afshar, MT Yilmaz
Remote Sensing of Environment 196, 224-237, 2017
Mandati: European Commission
Impact of rescaling approaches in simple fusion of soil moisture products
MH Afshar, MT Yilmaz, WT Crow
Water Resources Research 55 (9), 7804-7825, 2019
Mandati: European Commission
Türkiye’deki 2007 ve 2013 yılı kuraklıklarının NOAH hidrolojik modeli ile incelenmesi
B Bulut, MT Yılmaz
Teknik Dergi 27 (4), 7619-7634, 2016
Mandati: European Commission
Contribution of the satellite-data driven snow routine to a karst hydrological model
SS Çallı, KÖ Çallı, MT Yılmaz, M Çelik
Journal of Hydrology 607, 127511, 2022
Mandati: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Impact of model relative accuracy in framework of rescaling observations in hydrological data assimilation studies
MT Yilmaz, WT Crow, D Ryu
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (8), 2245-2257, 2016
Mandati: European Commission
Sensitivity of WRF-derived hydrometeorological extremes to sea surface temperatures in regions with complex topography and diverse climate
H Pilatin, I Yucel, E Duzenli, MT Yilmaz
Atmospheric Research 264, 105816, 2021
Mandati: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Scientific and …
Investigation of the Added Utility of Different SST products in Prediction of Floods with WRF-Hydro Modeling System over Eastern Black Sea and Mediterranean Regions
B Kilicarslan, H Pilatin, E Duzenli, M Yılmaz
Authorea Preprints, 2021
Mandati: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Scientific and …
Estimation of regional mass anomalies from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) over Himalayan region
MT Yılmaz
Mandati: Department of Science & Technology, India
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