Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Renato Lo CignoUlteriori informazioni
Disponibili pubblicamente: 30
A consensus-based approach for platooning with intervehicular communications and its validation in realistic scenarios
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapé, M Segata, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (3), 1985-1999, 2016
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Platooning maneuvers in vehicular networks: A distributed and consensus-based approach
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapè, M Segata, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 4 (1), 59-72, 2018
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Cooperative driving and the tactile internet
F Dressler, F Klingler, M Segata, RL Cigno
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (2), 436-446, 2018
Mandati: German Research Foundation
V-edge: Virtual edge computing as an enabler for novel microservices and cooperative computing
F Dressler, CF Chiasserini, FHP Fitzek, H Karl, RL Cigno, A Capone, ...
IEEE Network 36 (3), 24-31, 2022
Mandati: German Research Foundation
IEEE 802.11 CSI randomization to preserve location privacy: An empirical evaluation in different scenarios
M Cominelli, F Kosterhon, F Gringoli, RL Cigno, A Asadi
Computer Networks 191, 107970, 2021
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
On the distributed computation of load centrality and its application to DV routing
L Maccari, L Ghiro, A Guerrieri, A Montresor, RL Cigno
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2582-2590, 2018
Mandati: European Commission
Proof of networking: Can blockchains boost the next generation of distributed networks?
L Ghiro, L Maccari, RL Cigno
2018 14th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and …, 2018
Mandati: European Commission
AntiSense: Standard-compliant CSI obfuscation against unauthorized Wi-Fi sensing
M Cominelli, F Gringoli, RL Cigno
Computer Communications 185, 92-103, 2022
Mandati: European Commission
An experimental study of csi management to preserve location privacy
M Cominelli, F Kosterhon, F Gringoli, RL Cigno, A Asadi
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds …, 2020
Mandati: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Urban wireless community networks: challenges and solutions for smart city communications
R Lo Cigno, L Maccari
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international workshop on Wireless and mobile …, 2014
Mandati: European Commission
On the use of eigenvector centrality for cooperative streaming
L Baldesi, L Maccari, RL Cigno
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (9), 1953-1956, 2017
Mandati: European Commission
Improving routing convergence with centrality: Theory and implementation of pop-routing
L Maccari, RL Cigno
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (5), 2216-2229, 2018
Mandati: European Commission
A dynamic and autonomous channel selection strategy for interference avoidance in 802.11
F Maturi, F Gringoli, RL Cigno
2017 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and …, 2017
Mandati: European Commission
Non intrusive Wi-Fi CSI obfuscation against active localization attacks
M Cominelli, F Gringoli, RL Cigno
2021 16th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and …, 2021
Mandati: European Commission
Optimized P2P streaming for wireless distributed networks
L Maccari, N Facchi, L Baldesi, RL Cigno
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 42, 335-350, 2017
Mandati: European Commission
Improving BGP convergence with fed4fire+ experiments
M Milani, M Nesler, M Segata, L Baldesi, L Maccari, RL Cigno
IEEE Infocom 2020-IEEE conference on computer communications workshops …, 2020
Mandati: European Commission
Towards scalable community networks topologies
L Maccari, G Gemmi, RL Cigno, M Karaliopoulos, L Navarro
Ad Hoc Networks 94, 101949, 2019
Mandati: Governo Italiano
Energy saving through traffic profiling and prediction in self-optimizing optical networks
D Siracusa, F Pederzolli, RL Cigno, E Salvadori
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W4H. 1, 2014
Mandati: European Commission
Integrating CSI sensing in wireless networks: Challenges to privacy and countermeasures
RL Cigno, F Gringoli, M Cominelli, L Ghiro
IEEE Network 36 (4), 174-180, 2022
Mandati: European Commission
Exact distributed load centrality computation: Algorithms, convergence, and applications to distance vector routing
L Maccari, L Ghiro, A Guerrieri, A Montresor, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (7), 1693-1706, 2020
Mandati: European Commission
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