Myounggu Kang
COVID-19 impact on city and region: what’s next after lockdown?
M Kang, Y Choi, J Kim, KO Lee, S Lee, IK Park, J Park, I Seo
International Journal of Urban Sciences 24 (3), 297-315, 2020
Regenerating urban land: A practitioner's guide to leveraging private investment
R Amirtahmasebi, M Orloff, S Wahba, A Altman
World Bank Publications, 2016
Smart city technologies for pandemic control without lockdown
JW Sonn, M Kang, Y Choi
International Journal of Urban Sciences 24 (2), 149-151, 2020
Smart city as a social transition towards inclusive development through technology: a tale of four smart cities
J Lee, J Babcock, TS Pham, TH Bui, M Kang
International Journal of Urban Sciences 27 (sup1), 75-100, 2023
Public infrastructure, private finance: developer obligations and responsibilities
DM Gielen, E van der Krabben
Routledge, 2019
From intention to action: Habits, feedback and optimizing energy consumption in South Korea
E Lee, M Kang, J Song, M Kang
Energy Research & Social Science 64, 101430, 2020
Effect of national-level spatial distribution of cities on national transport CO2 emissions
J Lim, M Kang, C Jung
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 77, 162-173, 2019
Steering the metropolis: Metropolitan governance for sustainable urban development
D Gómez-Álvarez, RM Rajack, E López-Moreno, G Lanfranchi
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Value capture ideals and practice – Development stages and the evolution of value capture policies
K Kresse, M Kang, SI Kim, E van der Krabben
Cities, 2020
스마트도시 개념의 변화와 비교: 서울시 사례 분석을 중심으로: 서울시 사례 분석을 중심으로
강명구, 이창수
한국지역개발학회지 27 (4), 45-63, 2015
An empirical analysis on the housing prices in the Pearl River Delta Economic Region of China
P Wang, M Kang
International Journal of Urban Sciences 18 (1), 103-114, 2014
산업지역 도시재생 활성화 요인에 관한 연구: 노후산단재생사업과 구조고도화사업 비교를 중심으로: 노후산단재생사업과 구조고도화사업 비교를 중심으로
김대근, 강명구
국토계획 46 (6), 99-115, 2011
An analysis on elderly housing preference using structural equation model: Focusing on silver town
SH Choi, M Kang
International Journal of Urban Sciences 14 (3), 254-263, 2010
Utility of mixed-use development by reducing aggregated travel time for multiple non-work activities: A case of Seoul, Korea
D Choi, M Kang, J Yoon
Cities 109, 103007, 2021
콤팩트시티 (압축도시) 형 도시재생을 둘러싼 사회적 후생과 개별적 이해 간의 근원적 갈등에 대한 이론적 탐색
한국지역개발학회지 24 (4), 27-40, 2012
해외도시개발의 장애요인 및 활성화 정책 분석 연구
임창휘, 양성돈, 강명구
국토연구, 83-99, 2011
The relationship between site planning and electricity consumption: An empirical analysis of multi-unit residential complexes in Seoul, Korea
J Lim, M Kang
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 49 (3), 971-986, 2022
중국 선전 경제특구 성공에 있어 ‘연결도시’로서 홍콩의 역할: 북한 경제특구 개발에의 함의를 중심으로
박민규, 왕붕, 강명구
Journal of Korea Planning Association-Vol 50 (1), 57-71, 2015
Determinants of Housing Cost: Hierarchical Linear Model for Estimating Coefficients of a Hosing System Dynamics Model
MG Kang
Korean System Dynamics Review 8 (2), 253-273, 2007
A Study on the Function of Shopping-Centers through Place Marketing-A Case Study of the Dongdaemun Fashion-Market
HJ Soh, MG Kang
Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea, 25-34, 2007
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