Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Naila KabeerMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 3
Empowerment, citizenship and gender justice: A contribution to locally grounded theories of change in women’s lives
N Kabeer
Gender justice and development: Local and global, 20-36, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Diverging stories of “missing women” in South Asia: Is son preference weakening in Bangladesh?
N Kabeer, L Huq, S Mahmud
Gender and Economics in Muslim Communities, 138-163, 2017
Mandaten: Centre de recherches pour le développement international, Canada
Assessing the impact of social mobilization: Nijera Kori and the construction of collective capabilities in rural Bangladesh
N Kabeer, M Sulaiman
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 16 (1), 47-68, 2015
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Ergens beschikbaar: 18
Economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
N Kabeer, H Waddington
Journal of development effectiveness 7 (3), 290-303, 2015
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
What are the economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes? A systematic review of the evidence
N Kabeer, C Piza, L Taylor
EPPI Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education …, 2012
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Cultural norms, economic incentives and women’s labour market behaviour: empirical insights from Bangladesh
J Heintz, N Kabeer, S Mahmud
Oxford Development Studies 46 (2), 266-289, 2018
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK, UK Economic and Social Research …
Paradigm shift or business as usual? Workers’ views on multi‐stakeholder initiatives in Bangladesh
N Kabeer, L Huq, M Sulaiman
Development and Change 51 (5), 1360-1398, 2020
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation, UK Economic and Social Research Council
Gender, livelihood capabilities and women’s economic empowerment: reviewing evidence over the life course
N Kabeer
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE), 2018
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
(In) visibility, care and cultural barriers: the size and shape of women’s work in India
A Deshpande, N Kabeer
Ashoka University, Department of Economics, 2019
Mandaten: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Contested understandings in the global garment industry after Rana Plaza
S Ashwin, N Kabeer, E Schüßler
Development and Change 51 (5), 1296-1305, 2020
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation
Cultural values or universal rights? women's narratives of compliance and contestation in urban Afghanistan
N Kabeer, A Khan
Feminist Economics 20 (3), 1-24, 2014
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Multi-stakeholder initiatives in Bangladesh after Rana Plaza: global norms and workers’ perspectives
N Kabeer, L Haq, M Sulaiman
BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2019
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation, Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Wellcome Trust
What are the economic impacts of conditional cash transfer programmes
N Kabeer, C Piza, L Taylor
A systematic review of the evidence Systematic review, 2012
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
The evolving politics of labor standards in Bangladesh: Taking stock and looking forward
N Kabeer
Labor, global supply chains, and the garment industry in South Asia, 231-259, 2019
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation, Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Wellcome Trust
Social upgrading in the Bangladeshi garment sector since Rana Plaza: Why some governance matters more than others
N Lohmeyer, E Schüßler, N Kabeer
Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Comparative Analyses …, 2022
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation, Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Wellcome Trust
Material barriers, cultural boundaries: A mixed-methods analysis of gender and labour market segmentation in Bangladesh
N Kabeer, L Huq, MM Rahaman
WIDER Working Paper, 2021
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK, UK Economic and Social Research …
Rana Plaza and its Aftermath Contested Understandings in the Global Garment Industry after Rana Plaza
S Ashwin, N Kabeer, E Schußler
Development and Change, 2019
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation
Norms that matter
A Deshpande, N Kabeer
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK, UK Economic and Social Research …
Paradigm Shift or Business as Usual: Workers' Views on Multi-stakeholder Initiatives in Bangladesh
M Sulaiman, L Huq, N Kabeer
the Institute of Development Studies and partner organisations, 2020
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation, UK Economic and Social Research Council
Garment Supply Chain Governance Project
N Kabeer, L Huq, M Sulaiman
Mandaten: Volkswagen Foundation, Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Wellcome Trust
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