Aron Kiss
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Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU
A Arpaia, A Kiss, B Palvolgyi, A Turrini
IZA Journal of Migration 5 (21), 2016
A Decade of Labour Market Reforms in the EU: Insights from the LABREF database
A Turrini, G Koltay, F Pierini, C Goffard, A Kiss
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 4 (12), 2015
Assessing the economic and social impact of tax and benefit reforms: A general-equilibrium microsimulation approach applied to Hungary
P Benczúr, G Kátay, Á Kiss
Economic Modelling, 2018
Identifying the bandwagon effect in two-round elections
Á Kiss, G Simonovits
Public Choice 160 (3-4), 327–344, 2014
Is Unemployment Structural or Cyclical? Main Features of Job Matching in the EU after the Crisis
A Arpaia, A Kiss, A Turrini
IZA Policy Paper 91, 2014
Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU
A Arpaia, A Kiss, B Pálvölgyi, A Turrini
European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, 2014
The elasticity of taxable income of high earners: Evidence from Hungary
Á Kiss, P Mosberger
Empirical Economics 48 (2), 883-908, 2015
Income Taxation, Transfers and Labor Supply at the Extensive Margin
P Benczúr, G Kátay, Á Kiss, OM Rácz
Banque de France Working Paper N° 487, 2014
Minimum taxes and repeated tax competition
Á Kiss
International Tax and Public Finance 19 (5), 641-649, 2012
Statutory minimum wages in the EU: Institutional settings and macroeconomic implications
A Arpaia, P Cardoso, A Kiss, K Van Herck, A Vandeplas
IZA Policy Paper, 2017
Analysis of changes in the tax and transfer system with a behavioural microsimulation model
P Benczúr, G Kátay, Á Kiss, B Reizer, M Szoboszlai
MNB Bulletin (discontinued) 6 (3), 15-27, 2011
Measuring skills mismatch
A Kiss, A Vandeplas
Analytical Web Note 7/2015, Directorate-General for Employment, Social …, 2016
The effects of European integration and the business cycle on migration flows: a gravity analysis
A Arpaia, A Kiss, B Palvolgyi, A Turrini
Review of World Economics 154 (4), 815-834, 2018
Identifying strategic voting in two-round elections
Á Kiss
Electoral Studies 40, 127-135, 2015
Coalition politics and accountability
Á Kiss
Public Choice 139 (3-4), 413-428, 2009
Miért más ez a válság, mint a többi? Az adósságleépítés szerepe a Nagy Recesszióban [Why is this crisis different? The role of deleveraging in the Great Recession]
Á Kiss, K Szilágyi
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - Journal of the Hungarian Academy of …, 2014
Divisive politics and accountability
Á Kiss
European Journal of Political Economy, 2011
The elasticity of taxable income
P Benczúr, Á Kiss, P Mosberger
The Hungarian Labour Market 2013, 74-99, 2013
Mikroszimulációs elemzés a személyi jövedelemadó módosításainak hatásvizsgálatában [Microsimulation analysis in the assessment of changes to the Personal Income Tax]
D Benedek, Á Kiss
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - Journal of the Hungarian Academy of …, 2011
Slack and Tightness: Making Sense of Post COVID-19 Labour Market Developments in the EU
Á Kiss, MC Morandini, A Turrini, A Vandeplas
European Commission–DG ECFIN Discussion Paper, 2022
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