Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Domingo M Molina Terrén ( informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 3
Temperature determining larger wildland fires in NE Spain
DM Molina-Terrén, A Cardil
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 125 (1), 295-302, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
How does drought impact burned area in Mediterranean vegetation communities?
A Cardil, C Vega-García, D Ascoli, DM Molina-Terrén, CA Silva, ...
Science of the Total Environment 693, 133603, 2019
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Fire behavior in Pinus halepensis thickets: Effects of thinning and woody debris decomposition in two rainfall scenarios
M Palmero-Iniesta, R Domènech, D Molina-Terrén, JM Espelta
Forest Ecology and Management 404, 230-240, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Ergens beschikbaar: 13
Assessing landscape scale wildfire exposure for highly valued resources in a Mediterranean area
FJ Alcasena, M Salis, AA Ager, B Arca, D Molina, D Spano
Environmental management 55, 1200-1216, 2015
Mandaten: Government of Italy
Understory fuel load and structure eight to nine years after prescribed burning in Mediterranean pine forests
P Casals, T Valor, A Besalú, D Molina-Terrén
Forest Ecology and Management 362, 156-168, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Large wildland fires and extreme temperatures in Sardinia (Italy)
A Cardil, M Salis, D Spano, G Delogu, D Molina Terren
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 7 (3), 162, 2014
Mandaten: Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Forest fire propagation prediction based on overlapping DDDAS forecasts
T Artes, A Cardil, A Cortés, T Margalef, D Molina, L Pelegrín, J Ramírez
Procedia Computer Science 51, 1623-1632, 2015
Mandaten: Government of Spain
How do plants respond biochemically to fire? The role of photosynthetic pigments and secondary metabolites in the post-fire resprouting response
AC Santacruz-García, S Bravo, F del Corro, EM García, DM Molina-Terrén, ...
Forests 12 (1), 56, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Argentina
Practitioner perceptions of wildland fire management across South Europe and Latin America
DM Molina-Terrén, A Cardil, LN Kobziar
Forests 7 (9), 184, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Wildland fire typologies and extreme temperatures in NE Spain
A Cardil, D Merenciano, DM Molina-Terrén
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 10 (1), 9, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Social factor and territorial dimension of wildfire risk management: managing societal involvement and cross-sectoral planning
EP Bach, DM Gallego, MF Bernet, MS Davos, DM Terrén
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Perceptions of heat stress, heat strain and mitigation practices in wildfire suppression across southern Europe and Latin America
B Carballo-Leyenda, JG Villa-Vicente, GM Delogu, JA Rodríguez-Marroyo, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (19), 12288, 2022
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Fire effects in Pinus uncinata Ram plantations
AC Forradellas, DMM Terrén, J Oliveres, M Castellnou
Forest Systems 25 (1), eSC06-eSC06, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Propuesta de capacitación para posiciones tácticas en Grandes Incendios Forestales (GIF)
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Wildland fire typologies and extreme temperatures in NE Spain
A Cardil Forradellas, D Merenciano, D Molina Terrén
Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Large wildland fires and extreme temperatures in Sardinia (Italy)
D Molina Terrén, A Cardil Forradellas, D Spano, M Salis, G Delogu
Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), 2014
Mandaten: Government of Spain, Government of Italy
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