Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Brenda YeohMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 23
Debt, precarity and gender: Male and female temporary labour migrants in Singapore
M Platt, G Baey, BSA Yeoh, CY Khoo, T Lam
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43 (1), 119-136, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
“The lottery of my life”: migration trajectories and the production of precarity among Bangladeshi migrant workers in Singapore's construction industry
G Baey, BSA Yeoh
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 27 (3), 249-272, 2018
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Drivers of migration policy reform: The day off policy for migrant domestic workers in Singapore
CY Koh, C Goh, K Wee, BSA Yeoh
Global Social Policy 17 (2), 188-205, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Indonesian domestic workers and the (un) making of transnational livelihoods and provisional futures
BSA Yeoh, M Platt, CY Khoo, T Lam, G Baey
Social & Cultural Geography 18 (3), 415-434, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Social protection for migrant domestic workers in Singapore: International conventions, the law, and civil society action
BSA Yeoh, C Goh, K Wee
American Behavioral Scientist 64 (6), 841-858, 2020
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Renegotiating migration experiences: Indonesian domestic workers in Singapore and use of information communication technologies
M Platt, BSA Yeoh, KA Acedera, KC Yen, G Baey, T Lam
New Media & Society 18 (10), 2207-2223, 2016
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Editorial introduction: Situated agency in the context of research on children, migration, and family in Asia
SYP Choi, BSA Yeoh, T Lam
Population, Space and Place 25 (3), e2149, 2019
Mandaten: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Bangladeshi construction workers and the politics of (im) mobility in Singapore
BSA Yeoh, G Baey, M Platt, K Wee
City 21 (5), 641-649, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
‘Until death do us part’? Migrant wives, left-behind husbands, and the negotiation of intimacy in transnational marriages
KAF Acedera, BSA Yeoh
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (16), 3508-3525, 2020
Mandaten: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Wellcome Trust
Cultural mediation through vernacularization: framing rights claims through the day‐off campaign for migrant domestic workers in Singapore
CY Koh, K Wee, C Goh, BSA Yeoh
International Migration 55 (3), 89-104, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Translating people and policy: The role of maid agents in brokering between employers and migrant domestic workers in Singapore’s migration industry
K Wee, C Goh, BSA Yeoh
International Migration Review 54 (4), 992-1015, 2020
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Responsible adults-in-the-making: Intergenerational impact of parental migration on Indonesian young women’s aspirational capacity
CY Khoo, BSA Yeoh
Geoforum 85, 280-289, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
The entanglements of migration and marriage: Negotiating mobility projects among young Indonesian women from migrant-sending villages
CY Khoo, BSA Yeoh
Journal of Intercultural Studies 39 (6), 704-721, 2018
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Who migrates? Tracking gendered access to migration within households “in flux” across time
CY Khoo, M Platt, BSA Yeoh
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 15 (3), 326-343, 2017
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Choreographing the rhythms of encounter in Singapore's maid agencies
K Wee, C Goh, BSA Yeoh
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 45 (1), 109-122, 2020
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
Family, migration and the gender politics of care
BSA Yeoh, S Huang
Routledge handbook of Southeast Asian development, 173-185, 2017
Mandaten: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Migration and non-integration in two non-western cities: Dubai and Singapore
D Pagès-El Karoui, BSA Yeoh
Asian Population Studies 16 (2), 119-122, 2020
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Growing up in transnational families: Children’s experiences and perspectives
T Lam, S Huang, BSA Yeoh, JO Celero
Routledge handbook of Asian migrations, 250-263, 2018
Mandaten: Wellcome Trust
Transnational families in an age of migration
BSA Yeoh, T Lam, S Huang
Handbook on transnationalism, 182-197, 2022
Mandaten: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Migration, families and households in globalizing Asia
BSA Yeoh, S Huang, T Lam
Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization, 175-186, 2018
Mandaten: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
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