S. Shankaranarayanan
S. Shankaranarayanan
Professor of Phyics, IIT Bombay
Zweryfikowany adres z iitb.ac.in - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Hawking radiation in different coordinate settings: complex paths approach
S Shankaranarayanan, T Padmanabhan, K Srinivasan
Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 (10), 2671, 2002
Method of complex paths and general covariance of Hawking radiation
S Shankaranarayanan, K Srinivasan, T Padmanabhan
Modern Physics Letters A 16 (09), 571-578, 2001
Anomaly freedom in perturbative loop quantum gravity
M Bojowald, GM Hossain, M Kagan, S Shankaranarayanan
Physical Review D 78 (6), 063547, 2008
Power-law corrections to entanglement entropy of horizons
S Das, S Shankaranarayanan, S Sur
Physical Review D 77 (6), 064013, 2008
Temperature and entropy of Schwarzschild–de Sitter space-time
S Shankaranarayanan
Physical Review D 67 (8), 084026, 2003
Gauge invariant cosmological perturbation equations with corrections from loop quantum gravity
M Bojowald, GM Hossain, M Kagan, S Shankaranarayanan
Physical Review D 79 (4), 043505, 2009
Modified theories of Gravity: Why, How and What?
S Shankaranarayanan, JP Johnson
General Relativity and Gravitation 54, 44, 2022
Is there an imprint of Planck-scale physics on inflationary cosmology?
S Shankaranarayanan
Classical and Quantum Gravity 20 (1), 75, 2002
How robust is the entanglement entropy-area relation?
S Das, S Shankaranarayanan
Physical Review D 73 (12), 121701, 2006
Black hole entropy from entanglement: a review
S Das, S Shankaranarayanan, S Sur
Horizons in World Physics: Volume 268 268, 45, 2009
Analytical computation of quasinormal modes of slowly rotating black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity
M Srivastava, Y Chen, S Shankaranarayanan
Physical Review D 104 (6), 064034, 2021
Modified scalar and tensor spectra in spinor driven inflation
D Gredat, S Shankaranarayanan
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (01), 008, 2010
High-frequency quasi-normal modes for black holes with generic singularities
S Das, S Shankaranarayanan
Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (3), L7, 2005
Non-singular black-holes on the brane
S Shankaranarayanan, N Dadhich
International Journal of Modern Physics D 13 (06), 1095-1103, 2004
What if the inflaton is a spinor condensate?
S Shankaranarayanan
International Journal of Modern Physics D 18 (14), 2173-2179, 2009
Attractor behaviour in ELKO cosmology
A Basak, JR Bhatt, S Shankaranarayanan, KVP Varma
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2013 (04), 025, 2013
Quasinormal modes as a distinguisher between general relativity and gravity
S Bhattacharyya, S Shankaranarayanan
Physical Review D 96 (6), 064044, 2017
Where are the black-hole entropy degrees of freedom?
S Das, S Shankaranarayanan
Classical and Quantum Gravity 24 (20), 5299, 2007
The cosmological constant and Hořava-Lifshitz gravity
C Appignani, R Casadio, S Shankaranarayanan
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2010 (04), 006, 2010
High frequency quasi-normal modes for black holes with generic singularities: II. Asymptotically non-flat spacetimes
A Ghosh, S Shankaranarayanan, S Das
Classical and Quantum Gravity 23 (6), 1851, 2006
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