Panos K Pouliasis
Panos K Pouliasis
Reader in Energy Commodities Finance (Bayes Business School, City, University of London)
Zweryfikowany adres z city.ac.uk - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
A Markov regime switching approach for hedging energy commodities
AH Alizadeh, NK Nomikos, PK Pouliasis
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (9), 1970-1983, 2008
Forecasting petroleum futures markets volatility: The role of regimes and market conditions
NK Nomikos, PK Pouliasis
Energy Economics 33 (2), 321-337, 2011
Investor sentiment for real assets: the case of dry bulk shipping market
NC Papapostolou, NK Nomikos, PK Pouliasis, I Kyriakou
Review of Finance 18 (4), 1507-1539, 2014
Freight options: Price modelling and empirical analysis
NK Nomikos, I Kyriakou, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 51, 82-94, 2013
Shipping investor sentiment and international stock return predictability
NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis, NK Nomikos, I Kyriakou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 96, 81-94, 2016
Portfolio optimization and index tracking for the shipping stock and freight markets using evolutionary algorithms
K Andriosopoulos, M Doumpos, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 52, 16-34, 2013
Herd behavior in the drybulk market: an empirical analysis of the decision to invest in new and retire existing fleet capacity
NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis, I Kyriakou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 104, 36-51, 2017
Risk management of climate impact for tourism operators: An empirical analysis on ski resorts
L Ballotta, G Fusai, I Kyriakou, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
Tourism Management 77, 104011, 2020
Income uncertainty and the decision to invest in bulk shipping
I Kyriakou, PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, NK Nomikos
European Financial Management 24 (3), 387-417, 2018
Jumps and stochastic volatility in crude oil prices and advances in average option pricing
I Kyriakou, PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou
Quantitative Finance 16 (12), 1859-1873, 2016
Freight derivatives pricing for decoupled mean-reverting diffusion and jumps
I Kyriakou, PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, K Andriosopoulos
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 108, 80-96, 2017
Affine‐structure models and the pricing of energy commodity derivatives
I Kyriakou, NK Nomikos, NC Papapostolou, PK Pouliasis
European Financial Management 22 (5), 853-881, 2016
Shipping equity risk behavior and portfolio management
PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, I Kyriakou, ID Visvikis
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116, 178-200, 2018
Petroleum term structure dynamics and the role of regimes
NK Nomikos, PK Pouliasis
Journal of Futures Markets 35 (2), 163-185, 2015
Volatility and correlation timing: The role of commodities
PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou
Journal of Futures Markets 38 (11), 1407-1439, 2018
On equity risk prediction and tail spillovers
P Pouliasis, I Kyriakou, N Papapostolou
International Journal of Finance & Economics 22 (4), 379-393, 2017
A novel risk management framework for natural gas markets
PK Pouliasis, ID Visvikis, NC Papapostolou, AA Kryukov
Journal of Futures Markets 40 (3), 430-459, 2020
Oil price uncertainty and the relation to tanker shipping
PK Pouliasis, C Bentsos
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2023
Banks’ equity performance and the term structure of interest rates
E Elyasiani, I Hasan, E Kalotychou, PK Pouliasis, SK Staikouras
Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 29 (2), 43-64, 2020
Carbon Emissions in the US: Factor Decomposition and Cross-State Inequality Dynamics
PK Pouliasis, NC Papapostolou, MN Tamvakis, IC Moutzouris
The Energy Journal 44 (6), 135-162, 2023
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