Karel Zuiderveld
Karel Zuiderveld
Independent researcher
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Cytowane przez
Adaptive histogram equalization and its variations
SM Pizer, EP Amburn, JD Austin, R Cromartie, A Geselowitz, T Greer, ...
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing 39 (3), 355-368, 1987
Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization
K Zuiderveld
Graphics gems IV, 474-485, 1994
Graphics gems IV
K Zuiderveld
Academic Press Professional, Inc, 1994
Acceleration of ray-casting using 3-D distance transforms
KJ Zuiderveld, AHJ Koning, MA Viergever
Visualization in Biomedical Computing'92 1808, 324-335, 1992
Image reconstruction by convolution with symmetrical piecewise nth-order polynomial kernels
EHW Meijering, KJ Zuiderveld, MA Viergever
IEEE transactions on image processing 8 (2), 192-201, 1999
Occlusion culling for object-order volume rendering
K Zuiderveld
US Patent 7,136,064, 2006
Image registration for digital subtraction angiography
EHW Meijering, KJ Zuiderveld, MA Viergever
International Journal of Computer Vision 31, 227-246, 1999
Occlusion culling for object-order volume rendering
K Zuiderveld
US Patent 7,362,329, 2008
Image enhancement using anisotropic noise filtering
M Schaap, K Zuiderveld
US Patent 7,660,481, 2010
MR‐guided balloon angioplasty: in vitro demonstration of the potential of MRI for guiding, monitoring, and evaluating endovascular interventions
CJ Bakker, HF Smits, C Bos, R van der Weide, KJ Zuiderveld, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 8 (1), 245-250, 1998
Parallel implementations of AOS schemes: A fast way of nonlinear diffusion filtering
J Weickert, KJ Zuiderveld, BM ter Haar Romeny, WJ Niessen
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 3, 396-399, 1997
Visualization of multimodality medical volume data using object-oriented methods
KJ Zuiderveld
Universiteit Utrecht, 1995
Normal fusion for three-dimensional integrated visualization of SPECT and magnetic resonance brain images
R Stokking, KJ Zuiderveld, HEH Pol, PP van Rijk, MA Viergever
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 38 (4), 624-629, 1997
Systems and methods for segmented volume rendering using a programmable graphics pipeline
K Zuiderveld, S Demlow, M Cruikshank
US Patent App. 10/996,343, 2005
Device for and method of subtraction imaging with reduction of motion artefacts
KJ Zuiderveld, THBM Romeny
US Patent 4,870,692, 1989
Techniques for speeding up high-quality perspective maximum intensity projection
KJ Zuiderveld, AHJ Koning, MA Viergever
Pattern Recognition Letters 15 (5), 507-517, 1994
Multi-modal volume visualization using object-oriented methods
KJ Zuiderveld, MA Viergever
Proceedings of the 1994 symposium on volume visualization, 59-66, 1994
Fast noise reduction in computed tomography for improved 3-D visualization
M Schaap, AMR Schilham, KJ Zuiderveld, M Prokop, EJ Vonken, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 27 (8), 1120-1129, 2008
Image guidance of endovascular interventions on a clinical MR scanner
R van der Weide, KJ Zuiderveld, CJG Bakker, T Hoogenboom, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 17 (5), 779-785, 1998
Multimodality visualization of medical volume data
KJ Zuiderveld, AHJ Koning, R Stokking, JBA Maintz, FJR Appelman, ...
Computers & graphics 20 (6), 775-791, 1996
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