Iwona Jelonek
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Standardization of reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter: Results of an exercise to improve interlaboratory agreement
PC Hackley, CV Araujo, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, BJ Cardott, AC Cook, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 59, 22-34, 2015
Relationships between quality of coals, resulting cokes, and micro-Raman spectral characteristics of these cokes
R Morga, I Jelonek, K Kruszewska, W Szulik
International Journal of Coal Geology 144, 130-137, 2015
Environmental implications of the quality of charcoal briquettes and lump charcoal used for grilling
Z Jelonek, A Drobniak, M Mastalerz, I Jelonek
Science of the Total Environment 747, 141267, 2020
Relationship between coking coal quality and its micro-Raman spectral characteristics
R Morga, I Jelonek, K Kruszewska
International journal of coal geology 134, 17-23, 2014
Testing reproducibility of vitrinite and solid bitumen reflectance measurements in North American unconventional source-rock reservoir petroleum systems
PC Hackley, CV Araujo, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, BJ Cardott, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 114, 104172, 2020
Reservoir parameters and maceral composition of coal in different Carboniferous lithostratigraphical series of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland
S Kędzior, I Jelonek
International Journal of Coal Geology 111, 98-105, 2013
Assessing pellet fuels quality: A novel application for reflected light microscopy
Z Jelonek, A Drobniak, M Mastalerz, I Jelonek
International Journal of Coal Geology 222, 103433, 2020
Wstępne badania popiołów z kotła fluidalnego w aspekcie ich zagospodarowania
P Iwanek, I Jelonek, Z Mirkowski
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi 24 (4/4), 91-104, 2008
Emissions during grilling with wood pellets and chips
Z Jelonek, A Drobniak, M Mastalerz, I Jelonek
Atmospheric Environment: X 12, 100140, 2021
Petrographic and geochemical investigation of coal slurries and of the products resulting from their combustion
I Jelonek, Z Mirkowski
International Journal of Coal Geology 139, 228-236, 2015
Oksyreaktywna analiza termiczna (OTA)-dobra i tania metoda oceny samozapalności węgli na składowiskach-wstępne wyniki badań
S Cebulak, B Smieja-Król, A Tabor, M Misz, I Jelonek, Z Jelonek
Materiały konferencyjne LXXVI Zjazdu Naukowego Polskiego Towarzystwa …, 2005
Petrographic composition of coals and products of coal combustion from the selected combined heat and power plants (CHP) and heating plants in Upper Silesia, Poland
Z Mirkowski, I Jelonek
International Journal of Coal Geology 201, 102-108, 2019
Atlas of wood pellet components
A Drobniak, Z Jelonek, M Mastalerz, I Jelonek
Atlas of charcoal-based grilling fuel components
A Drobniak, Z Jelonek, M Mastalerz, IA Jelonek
Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences 3, 2021
Thermal history of the lower Carboniferous Culm Basin in the Nízký Jeseník Mts.(NE Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic and Poland)
D Botor, T Toboła, I Jelonek
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 87, 2017
Liptinite as an indicator of environmental changes during formation of coal seam No. 207 (Upper Silesia, Poland)
I Jelonek, KJ Kruszewska, P Filipiak
International Journal of Coal Geology 71 (4), 471-487, 2007
Developing methodology for petrographic analysis of solid biomass in reflected light
A Drobniak, I Jelonek, Z Jelonek, M Mastalerz
International Journal of Coal Geology 253, 103959, 2022
Facies development of coal seams in the Knurów deposit (Upper Silesia, Poland)
P Sosnowski, I Jelonek
International Journal of Coal Geology 261, 104073, 2022
Study on restoring abandoned mine lands to economically usable state using the post‐occupancy evaluation method
A Chećko, I Jelonek, Z Jelonek
Land Degradation & Development 33 (11), 1836-1845, 2022
Study of a Low-Cost Method for Estimating Energy Fuel Resources in Anthropogenic Sediments
D Khomenko, I Jelonek
Management Systems in Production Engineering 31 (4), 434-441, 2023
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