Peter B. Nagy
Peter B. Nagy
Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati
Zweryfikowany adres z uc.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Solid Media
JL Rose
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Fatigue damage assessment by nonlinear ultrasonic materials characterization
PB Nagy
Ultrasonics 36 (1-5), 375-381, 1998
Ultrasonic classification of imperfect interfaces
PB Nagy
Journal of Nondestructive evaluation 11, 127-139, 1992
The use of non-collinear mixing for nonlinear ultrasonic detection of plasticity and fatigue
AJ Croxford, PD Wilcox, BW Drinkwater, PB Nagy
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126 (5), EL117-EL122, 2009
Revolutionizing biodegradable metals
Y Yun, Z Dong, N Lee, Y Liu, D Xue, X Guo, J Kuhlmann, A Doepke, ...
Materials Today 12 (10), 22-32, 2009
A review of non-destructive techniques for the detection of creep damage in power plant steels
G Sposito, C Ward, P Cawley, PB Nagy, C Scruby
Ndt & E International 43 (7), 555-567, 2010
Study and comparison of different EMAT configurations for SH wave inspection
R Ribichini, F Cegla, PB Nagy, P Cawley
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 58 …, 2011
Corrosion and erosion monitoring in plates and pipes using constant group velocity Lamb wave inspection
PB Nagy, F Simonetti, G Instanes
Ultrasonics 54 (7), 1832-1841, 2014
Physical ultrasonics of composites
S Rokhlin, D Chimenti, P Nagy
Oxford University Press, 2011
Ultrasonic detection of kissing bonds at adhesive interfaces
PB Nagy
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 5 (8), 619-630, 1991
Eddy current assessment of near-surface residual stress in shot-peened nickel-base superalloys
MP Blodgett, PB Nagy
Journal of nondestructive evaluation 23, 107-123, 2004
Nondestructive evaluation of adhesive joints by guided waves
PB Nagy, L Adler
Journal of Applied Physics 66 (10), 4658-4663, 1989
Experimental and numerical evaluation of electromagnetic acoustic transducer performance on steel materials
R Ribichini, F Cegla, PB Nagy, P Cawley
Ndt & E International 45 (1), 32-38, 2012
The impact of magnetostriction on the transduction of normal bias field EMATs
R Ribichini, PB Nagy, H Ogi
Ndt & E International 51, 8-15, 2012
Quantitative modeling of the transduction of electromagnetic acoustic transducers operating on ferromagnetic media
R Ribichini, F Cegla, PB Nagy, P Cawley
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57 …, 2010
Surface roughness induced attenuation of reflected and transmitted ultrasonic waves
PB Nagy, L Adler
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 82 (1), 193-197, 1987
Non-collinear wave mixing for non-linear ultrasonic detection of physical ageing in PVC
A Demčenko, R Akkerman, PB Nagy, R Loendersloot
Ndt & E International 49, 34-39, 2012
Excess attenuation of leaky Lamb waves due to viscous fluid loading
AH Nayfeh, PB Nagy
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101 (5), 2649-2658, 1997
Guided wave tomography of pipes with high-order helical modes
CL Willey, F Simonetti, PB Nagy, G Instanes
Ndt & E International 65, 8-21, 2014
Longitudinal guided wave propagation in a transversely isotropic rod immersed in fluid
PB Nagy
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 98 (1), 454-457, 1995
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