Emmanuel Candes

Emmanuel Candes

The Simons Chair in Mathematics and Statistics, Stanford University
Email confirmado em stanford.edu
Citado por 163296
Elad Hazan

Elad Hazan

Professor at Princeton University and Director Google AI Princeton
Email confirmado em princeton.edu
Citado por 30681
Amir Beck

Amir Beck

Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Email confirmado em tauex.tau.ac.il
Citado por 27687
Andrea Lodi

Andrea Lodi

Cornell Tech and Technion -- IIT
Email confirmado em cornell.edu
Citado por 18883
Guanghui (George) Lan

Guanghui (George) Lan

Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Email confirmado em isye.gatech.edu
Citado por 12024
R Ravi

R Ravi

Carnegie Mellon Unviersity
Email confirmado em andrew.cmu.edu
Citado por 11932
Leo Kroon

Leo Kroon

Professor of Quantitative Logistics - Rotterdam School of Management
Email confirmado em rsm.nl
Citado por 11694
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