He Huang

He Huang

Professor @ School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University
Email confirmado em suda.edu.cn
Citado por 2635
Alan Davy

Alan Davy

Head of Department of Computing and Mathematics, South East Technological University
Email confirmado em tssg.org
Citado por 2424
guangxing zhang

guangxing zhang

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email confirmado em ict.ac.cn
Citado por 1017
Guiyan Liu

Guiyan Liu

Ph.D. of College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Southwest University
Email confirmado em email.swu.edu.cn
Citado por 250
Lei DU

Lei DU

National Institute of Metrology, China
Email confirmado em nim.ac.cn
Citado por 141
Xiaocan Wu

Xiaocan Wu

Doctoral Student @ School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University
Email confirmado em stu.suda.edu.cn
Citado por 66
Karyna Gogunska

Karyna Gogunska

Email confirmado em inria.fr
Citado por 9
Martin Bärwolff

Martin Bärwolff

Research Associate, TUD Dresden University of Technology
Email confirmado em tu-dresden.de
Citado por 7
Yifan Han

Yifan Han

Soochow University
Email confirmado em stu.suda.edu.cn
Citado por 1
Dongyang Yang

Dongyang Yang

Soochow University
Email confirmado em stu.suda.edu.cn