Utpal Dholakia
Utpal Dholakia
George R. Brown Professor of Marketing, Rice University
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The social influence of brand community: Evidence from European car clubs
R Algesheimer, UM Dholakia, A Herrmann
Journal of marketing 69 (3), 19-34, 2005
A social influence model of consumer participation in network-and small-group-based virtual communities
UM Dholakia, RP Bagozzi, LK Pearo
International journal of research in marketing 21 (3), 241-263, 2004
Intentional social action in virtual communities
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia
Journal of interactive marketing 16 (2), 2-21, 2002
Antecedents and purchase consequences of customer participation in small group brand communities
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia
International Journal of research in Marketing 23 (1), 45-61, 2006
Goal setting and goal striving in consumer behavior
RP Bagozzi, U Dholakia
Journal of marketing 63 (4_suppl1), 19-32, 1999
Open source software user communities: A study of participation in Linux user groups
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia
Management science 52 (7), 1099-1115, 2006
A motivational process model of product involvement and consumer risk perception
UM Dholakia
European Journal of marketing 35 (11/12), 1340-1362, 2001
Temptation and resistance: An integrated model of consumption impulse formation and enactment
UM Dholakia
Psychology & Marketing 17 (11), 955-982, 2000
How effortful decisions get enacted: The motivating role of decision processes, desires, and anticipated emotions
RP Bagozzi, UM Dholakia, S Basuroy
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 16 (4), 273-295, 2003
Strategic herding behavior in peer-to-peer loan auctions
M Herzenstein, UM Dholakia, RL Andrews
Journal of Interactive Marketing 25 (1), 27-36, 2011
Tell me a good story and I may lend you money: The role of narratives in peer-to-peer lending decisions
M Herzenstein, S Sonenshein, UM Dholakia
Journal of marketing research 48 (SPL), S138-S149, 2011
An assessment of chronic regulatory focus measures
KL Haws, UM Dholakia, WO Bearden
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (5), 967-982, 2010
Consumer behavior in a multichannel, multimedia retailing environment
UM Dholakia, BE Kahn, R Reeves, A Rindfleisch, D Stewart, E Taylor
Journal of interactive marketing 24 (2), 86-95, 2010
Communal service delivery: How customers benefit from participation in firm-hosted virtual P3 communities
UM Dholakia, V Blazevic, C Wiertz, R Algesheimer
Journal of service research 12 (2), 208-226, 2009
What makes commercial web pages popular? An empirical investigation of web page effectiveness
UM Dholakia, LL Rego
European Journal of Marketing 32 (7/8), 724-736, 1998
One café chain’s Facebook experiment
UM Dholakia, E Durham
Harvard Business Review 88 (3), 26, 2010
Explaining employee engagement with strategic change implementation: A meaning-making approach
S Sonenshein, U Dholakia
Organization Science 23 (1), 1-23, 2012
The democratization of personal consumer loans? Determinants of success in online peer-to-peer lending communities
M Herzenstein, RL Andrews, UM Dholakia, E Lyandres
Boston University School of Management Research Paper 14 (6), 1-36, 2008
The impact of customer community participation on customer behaviors: An empirical investigation
R Algesheimer, S Borle, UM Dholakia, SS Singh
Marketing science 29 (4), 756-769, 2010
An investigation of the relationship between perceived risk and product involvement.
UM Dholakia
Advances in Consumer Research 24 (1), 1997
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