Jan Krämer
Jan Krämer
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Net neutrality: A progress report
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra, C Weinhardt
Telecommunications Policy 37 (9), 794–813, 2013
Network Neutrality and Congestion Sensitive Content Providers: Implications for Content Variety, Broadband Investment, and Regulation
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
Information Systems Research 23 (4), 1303-1321, 2012
Auction fever! How time pressure and social competition affect bidders’ arousal and bids in retail auctions
MTP Adam, J Krämer, MB Müller
Journal of Retailing 91 (3), 468-485, 2015
Service value networks
B Blau, J Kramer, T Conte
2009 IEEE conference on commerce and enterprise computing, 194-201, 2009
Excitement up! Price down! Measuring emotions in Dutch auctions
MTP Adam, J Krämer, C Weinhardt
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 17 (2), 7--39, 2012
Understanding auction fever: a framework for emotional bidding
MTP Adam, J Krämer, C Jähnig, S Seifert, C Weinhardt
Electronic Markets 21 (3), 197-207, 2011
From Net Neutrality to Data Neutrality: A Techno-Economic Framework and Research Agenda
RF Easley, H Guo, J Krämer
Information Systems Research 29 (2), 253-272, 2018
Theories in business and information systems engineering
M Bichler, U Frank, D Avison, J Malaurent, P Fettke, D Hovorka, J Krämer, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 58, 291-319, 2016
Net Neutrality, Exclusivity Contracts and Internet Fragmentation
F Kourandi, J Krämer, T Valletti
Information Systems Research 26 (2), 320 - 338, 2015
Market power, regulatory convergence, and the role of data in digital markets
J Krämer, M Wohlfarth
Telecommunications Policy 42 (2), 154-171, 2018
Big data and digital markets contestability: Theory of harm and data access remedies
J Krämer, D Schnurr
Journal of Competition Law & Economics 18 (2), 255-322, 2022
Personal data portability in the platform economy: Economic implications and policy recommendations
J Krämer
Journal of Competition Law & Economics 17 (2), 263-308, 2021
Winners, Losers, and Facebook: The Role of Social Logins in the Online Advertising Ecosystem
J Krämer, D Schnurr, M Wohlfarth
Management Science 65 (4), 1678--1699, 2018
Measuring emotions in electronic markets
M Adam, M Gamer, J Krämer, C Weinhardt
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2011, 2011
Beyond the flat rate bias: The flexibility effect in tariff choice
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
Telecommunications Policy 36 (1), 29-39, 2012
Is there a need for platform neutrality regulation in the EU?
J Krämer, D Schnurr
Telecommunications Policy 42 (7), 514-529, 2018
Number Effects and Tacit Collusion in Experimental Oligopolies
N Horstmann, J Kraemer, D Schnurr
Journal of Industrial Economics 66 (3), 650-700, 2018
Climate Negotiations in the Lab: A Threshold Public Goods Game with Heterogeneous Contributions Costs and Non-binding Voting
C Feige, KM Ehrhart, J Krämer
Environmental and Resource Economics 70 (2), 343-362, 2017
Co-investments and tacit collusion in regulated network industries: Experimental evidence
J Krämer, I Vogelsang
Review of Network Economics 15 (1), 35-61, 2017
Making Data Portability More Effective for the Digital Economy
A de Streel, J Kraemer, P Senellart
Available at SSRN 3866495, 2021
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