Общедоступные статьи - Teodor TodorovПодробнее...
12 статей доступны в некоторых источниках
Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin-film solar cells by thermal co-evaporation with 11.6% efficiency and improved minority carrier diffusion length
YS Lee, T Gershon, O Gunawan, TK Todorov, T Gokmen, Y Virgus, ...
Energy Mater 5 (7), 1401372, 2015
Финансирование: US Department of Energy
High efficiency Cu 2 ZnSn (S, Se) 4 solar cells by applying a double In 2 S 3/CdS emitter
J Kim, H Hiroi, TK Todorov, O Gunawan, M Kuwahara, T Gokmen, D Nair, ...
Adv. Mater 26 (44), 7427-7431, 2014
Финансирование: US Department of Energy
Carrier-resolved photo-Hall effect
O Gunawan, SR Pae, DM Bishop, Y Virgus, JH Noh, NJ Jeon, YS Lee, ...
Nature 575 (7781), 151-155, 2019
Финансирование: US National Science Foundation
Emerging inorganic solar cell efficiency tables (Version 1)
LH Wong, A Zakutayev, JD Major, X Hao, A Walsh, TK Todorov, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 1 (3), 032001, 2019
Финансирование: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council, UK Engineering and …
Inorganic photovoltaics–planar and nanostructured devices
J Ramanujam, A Verma, B González-Díaz, R Guerrero-Lemus, ...
Progress in Materials Science 82, 294-404, 2016
Финансирование: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Government of Spain
Emerging inorganic solar cell efficiency tables (version 2)
A Zakutayev, JD Major, X Hao, A Walsh, J Tang, TK Todorov, LH Wong, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 3 (3), 032003, 2021
Финансирование: US Department of Energy, Australian Research Council, National Natural …
Solution-based synthesis of kesterite thin film semiconductors
T Todorov, HW Hillhouse, S Aazou, Z Sekkat, O Vigil-Galán, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 2 (1), 012003, 2020
Финансирование: US National Science Foundation, European Commission, Government of Argentina
Back contact engineering for increased performance in kesterite solar cells
PD Antunez, DM Bishop, YS Lee, T Gokmen, O Gunawan, TS Gershon, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (15), 1602585, 2017
Финансирование: US Department of Energy
Unconventional kesterites: The quest to reduce band tailing in CZTSSe
T Gershon, D Bishop, P Antunez, S Singh, KW Brew, YS Lee, O Gunawan, ...
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4, 29-36, 2017
Финансирование: US Department of Energy
Preparation of Cu (In, Ga) Se2 photovoltaic absorbers by an aqueous metal selenite co-precipitation route
R Martí, L Oliveira, TS Lyubenova, T Todorov, E Chassaing, D Lincot, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 650, 907-911, 2015
Финансирование: Government of Spain
Opportunities of in situ TEM for measuring voltage-driven microstructural changes in memristive devices
F Ross, B Wang, T Todorov, J Rozen
Microscopy and Microanalysis 27 (S1), 172-174, 2021
Финансирование: US National Science Foundation
Preparation of Cu (In, Ga) Se2 photovoltaic absorbers by an aqueous metal selenite co-precipitation route
RF Martí Valls, L Oliveira, T Lyubenova, TK Todorov, E Chassaing, ...
Elsevier, 2015
Финансирование: Government of Spain
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