Stephan Swinnen

Stephan Swinnen

KU Leuven, Professor of motor control and motor neuroscience, Movement Control and …
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Citerat av 34998
Milos Pekny

Milos Pekny

Professor, MD, PhD, Clinical Neuroscience, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of …
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Citerat av 24709
David J. Linden

David J. Linden

Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of medicine
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Citerat av 21573
Simone Kühn

Simone Kühn

Director of the Center for Environmental Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Human …
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Citerat av 20014
Sven Vanneste

Sven Vanneste

Professor, Trinity College Institute for Neuroscience - School of Psychology, Trinity College …
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Citerat av 18153
nicoletta berardi

nicoletta berardi

full professor of Psychobiology Florence University
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Citerat av 15512
Paolo Manganotti

Paolo Manganotti

Chair and Full Professor of Clinical Neurology, University Hospital, University of Trieste …
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Citerat av 13785
Michael Kilgard

Michael Kilgard

Professor of Neuroscience, University of Texas at Dallas
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Citerat av 13089
Benedikt Berninger

Benedikt Berninger

Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, King's College London
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Citerat av 12722
Donald Robin

Donald Robin

University of New Hampshire
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Citerat av 12164
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