Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Tore SöderqvistLäs mer
Inte tillgänglig någonstans: 1
Geosystem Services for Subsurface Planning in Sweden: A Pilot Survey
Y Volchko, T Söderqvist, E Lundin Frisk, P Lindgren, L Melgaço, ...
Conference of the Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground …, 2023
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, Vetenskapsrådet
Tillgängliga någonstans: 36
SCORE: A novel multi-criteria decision analysis approach to assessing the sustainability of contaminated land remediation
L Rosén, PE Back, T Söderqvist, J Norrman, P Brinkhoff, T Norberg, ...
Science of the Total Environment 511, 621-638, 2015
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Cost-benefit analysis as a part of sustainability assessment of remediation alternatives for contaminated land
T Söderqvist, P Brinkhoff, T Norberg, L Rosén, PE Back, J Norrman
Journal of environmental management 157, 267-278, 2015
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea–a contingent valuation study in the nine coastal states
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, A Huhtala, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3 (3), 278-305, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish …
Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea
M Czajkowski, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, W Budziński, B Hasler, L Hasselström, ...
Journal of environmental management 156, 209-217, 2015
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Processes for the sustainable stewardship of marine environments
H Scharin, S Ericsdotter, M Elliott, RK Turner, S Niiranen, T Blenckner, ...
Ecological Economics 128, 55-67, 2016
Krav: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Incorporating the soil function concept into sustainability appraisal of remediation alternatives
Y Volchko, J Norrman, M Bergknut, L Rosén, T Söderqvist
Journal of environmental management 129, 367-376, 2013
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Public preferences regarding use and condition of the Baltic Sea—An international comparison informing marine policy
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, K Hyytiäinen, ...
Marine Policy 42, 20-30, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Using soil function evaluation in multi-criteria decision analysis for sustainability appraisal of remediation alternatives
Y Volchko, J Norrman, L Rosén, M Bergknut, S Josefsson, T Söderqvist, ...
Science of the Total Environment 485, 785-791, 2014
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Participatory social-ecological modeling in eutrophication management: the case of Himmerfjärden, Sweden
F Franzén, G Kinell, J Walve, R Elmgren, T Söderqvist
Ecology and Society 16 (4), 2011
Krav: Stiftelsen för forskning inom områden med anknytning till Östersjöregionen …
Sustainability assessments of regional water supply interventions–Combining cost-benefit and multi-criteria decision analyses
K Sjöstrand, A Lindhe, T Söderqvist, L Rosén
Journal of Environmental Management 225, 313-324, 2018
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Marine biomass for a circular blue‐green bioeconomy? A life cycle perspective on closing nitrogen and phosphorus land‐marine loops
JBE Thomas, R Sinha, Å Strand, T Söderqvist, J Stadmark, F Franzén, ...
Journal of Industrial Ecology 26 (6), 2136-2153, 2022
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Benefits of meeting the Baltic Sea nutrient reduction targets-Combining ecological modelling and contingent valuation in the nine littoral states
H Ahtiainen, L Hasselstrom, J Artell, D Angeli, M Czajkowski, J Meyerhoff, ...
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Enriching social and economic aspects in sustainability assessments of remediation strategies–Methods and implementation
J Norrman, T Söderqvist, Y Volchko, PE Back, D Bohgard, E Ringshagen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 707, 136021, 2020
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Strategic environmental assessment in Swedish municipal planning. Trends and challenges
B Balfors, J Wallström, K Lundberg, T Söderqvist, C Hörnberg, J Högström
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 73, 152-163, 2018
Krav: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The geosystem services concept–What is it and can it support subsurface planning?
EL Frisk, Y Volchko, OT Sandström, T Söderqvist, LO Ericsson, ...
Ecosystem Services 58, 101493, 2022
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
What's the point? The contribution of a sustainability view in contaminated site remediation
R Anderson, J Norrman, PE Back, T Söderqvist, L Rosén
Science of The Total Environment 630, 103-116, 2018
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Marginal abatement cost curves for water scarcity mitigation under uncertainty
K Sjöstrand, A Lindhe, T Söderqvist, P Dahlqvist, L Rosén
Water resources management 33, 4335-4349, 2019
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, European Commission
Quantifying nutrient recovery by element flow analysis: Harvest and use of seven marine biomasses to close N and P loops
R Sinha, JBE Thomas, Å Strand, T Söderqvist, J Stadmark, F Franzen, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 178, 106031, 2022
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
SCORE: Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for sustainability appraisal of remedial alternatives
L Rosen, J Norrman, T Norberg, Y Volchko, T Söderqvist, PE Back, ...
RR Sirabian and R. Darlington (Chairs), Bioremediation and Sustainable …, 2013
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
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