Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Paolo GhislettaLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 6
Adults’ versus children’s performance on the Stroop task: Insights from ex-Gaussian analysis
D Fagot, J Dirk, P Ghisletta, A de Ribaupierre
Swiss Journal of Psychology 68 (1), 17-24, 2009
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
The French version of the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior: Factor structure, point prevalence and associated factors
C Straccia, MJ Tassé, P Ghisletta, K Barisnikov
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (11), 4052-4061, 2013
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Amplitude of fluctuations and temporal dependency in intraindividual variability
P Ghisletta, D Fagot, T Lecerf, A de Ribaupierre
GeroPsych, 2013
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
When meritocracy opposes quota policy: How education and policy strength impact opinions about affirmative action
K Faniko, F Lorenzi-Cioldi, P Ghisletta, SØ Sørensen, E Manushi, F Shalsi, ...
Gender and Social Hierarchies, 88-103, 2015
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Psychometric properties and normative data of the French Developmental Behavior Checklist–Adult version
C Straccia, P Ghisletta, JJ Detraux, K Barisnikov
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (5), 982-991, 2014
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Implementation Intentions in Older Adults to Improve Their Prospective Memory: Repeated Practice Helps
E Grob, P Ghisletta, M Kliegel
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1-8, 2024
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 76
Trajectories of brain aging in middle-aged and older adults: regional and individual differences
N Raz, P Ghisletta, KM Rodrigue, KM Kennedy, U Lindenberger
Neuroimage 51 (2), 501-511, 2010
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Cognitive and sensory declines in old age: gauging the evidence for a common cause.
U Lindenberger, P Ghisletta
Psychology and aging 24 (1), 1, 2009
Krav: German Research Foundation
Improving methodological standards in behavioral interventions for cognitive enhancement
C Shawn Green, D Bavelier, AF Kramer, S Vinogradov, U Ansorge, ...
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 3, 2-29, 2019
Krav: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
On the power of multivariate latent growth curve models to detect correlated change.
C Hertzog, U Lindenberger, P Ghisletta, T von Oertzen
Psychological methods 11 (3), 244, 2006
Krav: German Research Foundation
Evaluating the power of latent growth curve models to detect individual differences in change
C Hertzog, T von Oertzen, P Ghisletta, U Lindenberger
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 15 (4), 541-563, 2008
Krav: German Research Foundation
Age differences in text processing: The role of working memory, inhibition, and processing speed
E Borella, P Ghisletta, A de Ribaupierre
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2011
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Reducing the use of screen electronic devices in the evening is associated with improved sleep and daytime vigilance in adolescents
AA Perrault, L Bayer, M Peuvrier, A Afyouni, P Ghisletta, C Brockmann, ...
Sleep 42 (9), zsz125, 2019
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Latent curve models and latent change score models estimated in R
P Ghisletta, JJ McArdle
Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal 19 (4), 651-682, 2012
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Linking impulsivity to dysfunctional thought control and insomnia: a structural equation model
RE Schmidt, P Gay, P Ghisletta, M Van der Linden
Journal of sleep research 19 (1‐Part‐I), 3-11, 2010
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Dynamics of frailty and ADL dependence in a five-year longitudinal study of octogenarians
E Guilley, P Ghisletta, F Armi, A Berchtold, CL d'Epinay, JP Michel, ...
Research on Aging 30 (3), 299-317, 2008
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
A longitudinal study of parental depressive symptoms and coparenting in the first 18 months
H Tissot, N Favez, P Ghisletta, F Frascarolo, JN Despland
Family process 56 (2), 445-458, 2017
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation
Educational attainment does not influence brain aging
L Nyberg, F Magnussen, A Lundquist, W Baaré, D Bartrés-Faz, L Bertram, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (18), e2101644118, 2021
Krav: Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, UK Biotechnology and Biological …
White matter deterioration in 15 months: latent growth curve models in healthy adults
N Raz, YQ Yang, KM Rodrigue, KM Kennedy, U Lindenberger, P Ghisletta
Neurobiology of aging 33 (2), 429. e1-429. e5, 2012
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Regional brain shrinkage and change in cognitive performance over two years: The bidirectional influences of the brain and cognitive reserve factors
N Persson, P Ghisletta, CL Dahle, AR Bender, Y Yang, P Yuan, ...
Neuroimage 126, 15-26, 2016
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
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