Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Tom JilbertLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 43
Iron-mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane in brackish coastal sediments
M Egger, O Rasigraf, CJ Sapart, T Jilbert, MSM Jetten, T Rockmann, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (1), 277-283, 2015
Krav: European Commission
Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: Biogeochemical Cycles, Benthic Fauna, and Management
MV Jacob Carstensen, Daniel J. Conley, Erik Bonsdorff
Ambio 43, 26-36, 2014
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, European Commission
Vivianite is a major sink for phosphorus in methanogenic coastal surface sediments
M Egger, T Jilbert, T Behrends, C Rivard, CP Slomp
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 169, 217-235, 2015
Krav: European Commission
Sedimentation pulse in the NE Gulf of Mexico following the 2010 DWH blowout
GR Brooks, RA Larson, PT Schwing, I Romero, C Moore, GJ Reichart, ...
PloS one 10 (7), e0132341, 2015
Krav: US Department of Energy
Coupled dynamics of iron and phosphorus in sediments of an oligotrophic coastal basin and the impact of anaerobic oxidation of methane
CP Slomp, HP Mort, T Jilbert, DC Reed, BG Gustafsson, M Wolthers
PloS one 8 (4), e62386, 2013
Krav: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Hypoxia Sustains Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Baltic Sea
CP Funkey, C. P., Conley, D. J., Reuss, N. S
Environmental Science and Technology, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Forskningsrådet Formas, European …
Anaerobic oxidation of methane alters sediment records of sulfur, iron and phosphorus in the Black Sea
M Egger, P Kraal, T Jilbert, F Sulu-Gambari, CJ Sapart, T Röckmann, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (18), 5333-5355, 2016
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
Impacts of flocculation on the distribution and diagenesis of iron in boreal estuarine sediments
T Jilbert, E Asmala, C Schröder, R Tiihonen, JP Myllykangas, JJ Virtasalo, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (4), 1243-1271, 2018
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Academy of Finland, UK Science and …
A 1500-year multiproxy record of coastal hypoxia from the northern Baltic Sea indicates unprecedented deoxygenation over the 20th century
SA Jokinen, JJ Virtasalo, T Jilbert, J Kaiser, O Dellwig, HW Arz, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (13), 3975-4001, 2018
Krav: Leibniz Association
Hypoxia‐driven variations in iron and manganese shuttling in the Baltic Sea over the past 8 kyr
C Lenz, T Jilbert, DJ Conley, CP Slomp
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (10), 3754-3766, 2015
Krav: European Commission
Are recent changes in sediment manganese sequestration in the euxinic basins of the Baltic Sea linked to the expansion of hypoxia?
C Lenz, T Jilbert, DJ Conley, M Wolthers, CP Slomp
Biogeosciences 12 (16), 4875-4894, 2015
Krav: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission
Terrestrial organic matter input drives sedimentary trace metal sequestration in a human-impacted boreal estuary
SA Jokinen, T Jilbert, R Tiihonen-Filppula, K Koho
Science of the Total Environment 717, 137047, 2020
Krav: Academy of Finland
Redox-dependent changes in manganese speciation in Baltic Sea sediments from the Holocene Thermal Maximum: an EXAFS, XANES and LA-ICP-MS study
C Lenz, T Behrends, M Jilbert, Tom, Silveira, CP Slomp
Chemical Geology, In press, 2014
Krav: European Commission
Molybdenum dynamics in sediments of a seasonally-hypoxic coastal marine basin
F Sulu-Gambari, A Roepert, T Jilbert, M Hagens, FJR Meysman, ...
Chemical Geology 466, 627-640, 2017
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Anthropogenic and climatic impacts on a coastal environment in the Baltic Sea over the last 1000 years
W Ning, AB Nielsen, LN Ivarsson, T Jilbert, CM Åkesson, CP Slomp, ...
Anthropocene 21, 66-79, 2018
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Forskningsrådet Formas …
Biogeochemical functioning of the Baltic Sea
K Kuliński, G Rehder, E Asmala, A Bartosova, J Carstensen, B Gustafsson, ...
Earth System Dynamics 13 (1), 633-685, 2022
Krav: Danish National Research Foundation, Academy of Finland, Research Council of …
Hypoxia in the Holocene Baltic Sea: Comparing modern versus past intervals using sedimentary trace metals
NAGM Van Helmond, T Jilbert, CP Slomp
Chemical Geology 493, 478-490, 2018
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Legacy effects of eutrophication on modern methane dynamics in a boreal estuary
JP Myllykangas, S Hietanen, T Jilbert
Estuaries and Coasts 43 (2), 189-206, 2020
Krav: Academy of Finland
Influence of electron acceptor availability and microbial community structure on sedimentary methane oxidation in a boreal estuary
JP Myllykangas, AJ Rissanen, S Hietanen, T Jilbert
Biogeochemistry 148 (3), 291-309, 2020
Krav: Academy of Finland
Glacio-isostatic control on hypoxia in a high-latitude shelf basin
T Jilbert, DJ Conley, BG Gustafsson, CP Funkey, CP Slomp
Geology 43 (5), 427-430, 2015
Krav: European Commission
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