Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Mikołaj CzajkowskiLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 2
Drivers of farmers’ willingness to adopt extensive farming practices in a globally important bird area
M Czajkowski, K Zagórska, N Letki, P Tryjanowski, A Wąs
Land Use Policy 107, 104223, 2021
Krav: European Commission, Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Volatile energy markets, consumers and energy price expectations
A Alberini, M Ščasný, M Czajkowski, A Bigano
Energy Economics 126, 107039, 2023
Krav: European Commission
Tillgängliga någonstans: 41
The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean
TBH Reusch, J Dierking, HC Andersson, E Bonsdorff, J Carstensen, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaar8195, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation, Academy of Finland, Forskningsrådet Formas …
Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for ecosystem services
M Faccioli, M Czajkowski, K Glenk, J Martin-Ortega
Ecological Economics 174, 106600, 2020
Krav: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The value of familiarity: effects of knowledge and objective signals on willingness to pay for a public good
J LaRiviere, M Czajkowski, N Hanley, M Aanesen, J Falk-Petersen, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68 (2), 376-389, 2014
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea–a contingent valuation study in the nine coastal states
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, A Huhtala, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3 (3), 278-305, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish …
Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: preserving cold-water coral in Norway
M Aanesen, C Armstrong, M Czajkowski, J Falk-Petersen, N Hanley, ...
Ecological Economics 112, 53-67, 2015
Krav: Research Council of Norway
Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea
M Czajkowski, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, W Budziński, B Hasler, L Hasselström, ...
Journal of environmental management 156, 209-217, 2015
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Is the income elasticity of the willingness to pay for pollution control constant?
EB Barbier, M Czajkowski, N Hanley
Environmental and Resource Economics 68, 663-682, 2017
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish …
Public acceptability of climate change mitigation policies: a discrete choice experiment
M Ščasný, I Zvěřinová, M Czajkowski, E Kyselá, K Zagórska
Climate Policy 17 (sup1), S111-S130, 2017
Krav: European Commission
Public preferences regarding use and condition of the Baltic Sea—An international comparison informing marine policy
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, K Hyytiäinen, ...
Marine Policy 42, 20-30, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Choosing a functional form for an international benefit transfer: evidence from a nine-country valuation experiment
M Czajkowski, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, J Meyerhoff
Ecological Economics 134, 104-113, 2017
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Academy of Finland, Forskningsrådet …
Hydro-economic modelling of cost-effective transboundary water quality management in the Baltic Sea
B Hasler, JCR Smart, A Fonnesbech-Wulff, HE Andersen, H Thodsen, ...
Water Resources and Economics 5, 1-23, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Stated preferences for conservation policies under uncertainty: insights on the effect of individuals’ risk attitudes in the environmental domain
M Faccioli, L Kuhfuss, M Czajkowski
Environmental and resource economics 73, 627-659, 2019
Krav: Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Executive, Government of Spain
Electric, plug-in hybrid, hybrid, or conventional? Polish consumers’ preferences for electric vehicles
M Ščasný, I Zvěřinová, M Czajkowski
Energy Efficiency 11 (8), 2181-2201, 2018
Krav: European Commission
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable? A discrete choice experiment applied to the Scandinavian transboundary Fulufjället National Park Area
S Valasiuk, M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, T Żylicz, K Veisten, I Landa Mata, ...
Restoration Ecology 26 (2), 370-380, 2018
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Use and non-use values in an applied bioeconomic model of fisheries and habitat connections
CW Armstrong, V Kahui, GK Vondolia, M Aanesen, M Czajkowski
Marine Resource Economics 32 (4), 351-369, 2017
Krav: European Commission, Research Council of Norway
Unraveling local preferences and willingness to pay for different management scenarios: A choice experiment to biosphere reserve management
N Castillo-Eguskitza, D Hoyos, M Onaindia, M Czajkowski
Land use policy 88, 104200, 2019
Krav: Government of Spain
Are bilateral conservation policies for the Białowieża forest unattainable? Analysis of stated preferences of Polish and Belarusian public
S Valasiuk, M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, T Żylicz, K Veisten, M Elbakidze, ...
Journal of Forest Economics 27, 70-79, 2017
Krav: Vetenskapsrådet
Toward the Baltic Sea socioeconomic action plan
M Ollikainen, B Hasler, K Elofsson, A Iho, HE Andersen, M Czajkowski, ...
Ambio 48, 1377-1388, 2019
Krav: Academy of Finland
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