Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Florian RothLäs mer
Inte tillgänglig någonstans: 1
Effects of simulated overfishing on the succession of benthic algae and invertebrates in an upwelling-influenced coral reef of Pacific Costa Rica
F Roth, I Stuhldreier, C Sánchez-Noguera, Á Morales-Ramírez, C Wild
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 468, 55-66, 2015
Krav: Leibniz Association
Tillgängliga någonstans: 20
Heat stress destabilizes symbiotic nutrient cycling in corals
N Rädecker, C Pogoreutz, HM Gegner, A Cárdenas, F Roth, J Bougoure, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (5), e2022653118, 2021
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Impacts of a high-discharge submarine sewage outfall on water quality in the coastal zone of Salvador (Bahia, Brazil)
F Roth, GC Lessa, C Wild, RKP Kikuchi, MS Naumann
Marine Pollution Bulletin 106 (1-2), 43-48, 2016
Krav: European Commission
Upwelling increases net primary production of corals and reef-wide gross primary production along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
I Stuhldreier, C Sánchez-Noguera, F Roth, J Cortés, T Rixen, C Wild
Frontiers in Marine Science 2, 113, 2015
Krav: Leibniz Association
Methane emissions offset atmospheric carbon dioxide uptake in coastal macroalgae, mixed vegetation and sediment ecosystems
F Roth, E Broman, X Sun, S Bonaglia, F Nascimento, J Prytherch, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 42, 2023
Krav: Academy of Finland, Forskningsrådet Formas, Vetenskapsrådet
Nitrogen eutrophication particularly promotes turf algae in coral reefs of the central Red Sea
DB Karcher, F Roth, S Carvalho, YC El-Khaled, A Tilstra, B Kürten, ...
PeerJ 8, e8737, 2020
Krav: German Research Foundation
Denitrification Aligns with N2 Fixation in Red Sea Corals
A Tilstra, YC El-Khaled, F Roth, N Rädecker, C Pogoreutz, CR Voolstra, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19460, 2019
Krav: German Research Foundation
Heat stress reduces the contribution of diazotrophs to coral holobiont nitrogen cycling
N Rädecker, C Pogoreutz, HM Gegner, A Cárdenas, G Perna, L Geißler, ...
The ISME journal 16 (4), 1110-1118, 2022
Krav: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
High summer temperatures amplify functional differences between coral‐and algae‐dominated reef communities
F Roth, N Rädecker, S Carvalho, CM Duarte, V Saderne, A Anton, L Silva, ...
Ecology, e03226, 2020
Krav: German Research Foundation
Dynamics in benthic community composition and influencing factors in an upwelling-exposed coral reef on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
I Stuhldreier, C Sánchez-Noguera, F Roth, C Jiménez, T Rixen, J Cortés, ...
PeerJ 3, e1434, 2015
Krav: Leibniz Association
In situ eutrophication stimulates dinitrogen fixation, denitrification, and productivity in Red Sea coral reefs
YC El-Khaled, F Roth, A Tilstra, N Rädecker, DB Karcher, B Kürten, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 645, 55-66, 2020
Krav: German Research Foundation
High spatiotemporal variability of methane concentrations challenges estimates of emissions across vegetated coastal ecosystems
F Roth, X Sun, MC Geibel, J Prytherch, V Brüchert, S Bonaglia, E Broman, ...
Global change biology 28 (14), 4308-4322, 2022
Krav: Academy of Finland, Forskningsrådet Formas
High rates of carbon and dinitrogen fixation suggest a critical role of benthic pioneer communities in the energy and nutrient dynamics of coral reefs
F Roth, DB Karcher, N Rädecker, S Hohn, S Carvalho, T Thomson, ...
Functional Ecology 34, 1991-2004, 2020
Krav: German Research Foundation
Nitrogen fixation and denitrification activity differ between coral-and algae-dominated Red Sea reefs
YC El-Khaled, F Roth, N Rädecker, A Tilstra, DB Karcher, B Kürten, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11820, 2021
Krav: German Research Foundation
Nutrient pollution enhances productivity and framework dissolution in algae-but not in coral-dominated reef communities
F Roth, YC El-Khaled, DB Karcher, N Rädecker, S Carvalho, CM Duarte, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 168, 112444, 2021
Krav: German Research Foundation
Simultaneous measurements of dinitrogen fixation and denitrification associated with coral reef substrates: advantages and limitations of a combined acetylene assay
YC El-Khaled, F Roth, N Radecker, NM Kharbatia, B Jones, CR Voolstra, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
Krav: German Research Foundation
No evidence of light inhibition on aerobic methanotrophs in coastal sediments using eDNA and eRNA
E Broman, R Barua, D Donald, F Roth, C Humborg, A Norkko, T Jilbert, ...
Environmental DNA 5 (4), 766-781, 2023
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas, Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, Vetenskapsrådet
High plasticity of nitrogen fixation and denitrification of common coral reef substrates in response to nitrate availability
YC El-Khaled, R Nafeh, F Roth, N Rädecker, DB Karcher, BH Jones, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 168, 112430, 2021
Krav: German Research Foundation
Relative abundance of nitrogen cycling microbes in coral holobionts reflects environmental nitrate availability
A Tilstra, F Roth, YC El-Khaled, C Pogoreutz, N Rädecker, CR Voolstra, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (6), 201835, 2021
Krav: German Research Foundation
Eutrophication and Deoxygenation Drive High Methane Emissions from a Brackish Coastal System
OM Żygadłowska, F Roth, NAGM van Helmond, WK Lenstra, J Venetz, ...
Environmental Science & Technology, 2024
Krav: European Commission
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