Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Berit HaslerLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 5
Spatially induced disparities in users' and non-users' WTP for water quality improvements—Testing the effect of multiple substitutes and distance decay
SL Jørgensen, SB Olsen, J Ladenburg, L Martinsen, SR Svenningsen, ...
Ecological Economics 92, 58-66, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Assessing acceptability of two onshore wind power development schemes: A test of viewshed effects and the cumulative effects of wind turbines
J Ladenburg, M Termansen, B Hasler
Energy 54, 45-54, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
European agri-environmental policy: Evolution, effectiveness, and challenges
B Hasler, M Termansen, HØ Nielsen, C Daugbjerg, S Wunder, ...
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 16 (1), 105-125, 2022
Krav: European Commission
The potential for nitrogen abatement trading in agriculture: a hypothetical market experiment
LB Hansen, M Termansen, B Hasler
Journal of Agricultural Economics 70 (3), 812-839, 2019
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Innovation Fund Denmark
Including aesthetic and recreational values in cost-effectiveness analyses of land use change based nitrogen abatement measures in Denmark
AK Jensen, KC Uggeldahl, BH Jacobsen, JD Jensen, B Hasler
Journal of environmental management 240, 384-393, 2019
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Tillgängliga någonstans: 24
The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean
TBH Reusch, J Dierking, HC Andersson, E Bonsdorff, J Carstensen, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaar8195, 2018
Krav: German Research Foundation, Academy of Finland, Forskningsrådet Formas …
Policies for agricultural nitrogen management—trends, challenges and prospects for improved efficiency in Denmark
T Dalgaard, B Hansen, B Hasler, O Hertel, NJ Hutchings, BH Jacobsen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 115002, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Innovation Fund Denmark
Mussels as a tool for mitigation of nutrients in the marine environment
JK Petersen, B Hasler, K Timmermann, P Nielsen, DB Tørring, MM Larsen, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 82 (1-2), 137-143, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea–a contingent valuation study in the nine coastal states
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, A Huhtala, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3 (3), 278-305, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research, Forskningsrådet Formas, Swedish …
Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea
M Czajkowski, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, W Budziński, B Hasler, L Hasselström, ...
Journal of environmental management 156, 209-217, 2015
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science–policy–practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies
EG Drakou, C Kermagoret, C Liquete, A Ruiz-Frau, K Burkhard, AI Lillebø, ...
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
Krav: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Fundação para a Ciência e …
Public preferences regarding use and condition of the Baltic Sea—An international comparison informing marine policy
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, K Hyytiäinen, ...
Marine Policy 42, 20-30, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Hydro-economic modelling of cost-effective transboundary water quality management in the Baltic Sea
B Hasler, JCR Smart, A Fonnesbech-Wulff, HE Andersen, H Thodsen, ...
Water Resources and Economics 5, 1-23, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Benefits of meeting the Baltic Sea nutrient reduction targets-Combining ecological modelling and contingent valuation in the nine littoral states
H Ahtiainen, L Hasselstrom, J Artell, D Angeli, M Czajkowski, J Meyerhoff, ...
Krav: Forskningsrådet Formas
Water quality management and climate change mitigation: Cost-effectiveness of joint implementation in the Baltic Sea region
D Nainggolan, B Hasler, HE Andersen, S Gyldenkærne, M Termansen
Ecological Economics 144, 12-26, 2018
Krav: Innovation Fund Denmark
Leveraging the blue economy to transform marine forest restoration
K Filbee‐Dexter, T Wernberg, R Barreiro, MA Coleman, T de Bettignies, ...
Journal of phycology 58 (2), 198-207, 2022
Krav: Australian Research Council
Comparison of sampling methodologies for nutrient monitoring in streams: uncertainties, costs and implications for mitigation
J Audet, L Martinsen, B Hasler, H de Jonge, E Karydi, NB Ovesen, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (11), 4721-4731, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Baltic Sea eutrophication status is not improved by the first pillar of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy
T Jansson, HE Andersen, BG Gustafsson, B Hasler, L Höglind, H Choi
Regional Environmental Change 19, 2465-2476, 2019
Krav: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Toward the Baltic Sea socioeconomic action plan
M Ollikainen, B Hasler, K Elofsson, A Iho, HE Andersen, M Czajkowski, ...
Ambio 48, 1377-1388, 2019
Krav: Academy of Finland
Cost-effective abatement of non-point source nitrogen emissions–The effects of uncertainty in retention
B Hasler, LB Hansen, HE Andersen, M Termansen
Journal of environmental management 246, 909-919, 2019
Krav: Innovation Fund Denmark
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