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Safak Ulusoy
Safak Ulusoy
Istanbul University, Faculty of Aquatic Sciences
istanbul.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The use of thyme and laurel essential oil treatments to extend the shelf life of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) during storage in ice
N Erkan, ŞY Tosun, Ş Ulusoy, G Üretener
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 6, 39-48, 2011
Determination of mineral composition in three commercial fish species (Solea solea, Mullus surmuletus, and Merlangius merlangus)
Ö Özden, N Erkan, Ş Ulusoy
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 170, 353-363, 2010
Study on the behavior of the trace metal and macro minerals in Mytilus galloprovincialis as a bioindicator species: the case of Marmara Sea, Turkey
Ö Özden, Ş Ulusoy, N Erkan
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 5, 407-412, 2010
Selenium-mercury balance in commercial fish species from the Turkish waters
Ş Ulusoy, S Mol, FS Karakulak, AE Kahraman
Biological Trace Element Research 191, 207-213, 2019
Effect of combined application of plant extract and vacuum packaged treatment on the quality of hot smoked rainbow trout
N Erkan, Ş Ulusoy, ŞY Tosun
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 6, 419-426, 2011
Assessment of potential health risks of heavy metals to the general public in Turkey via consumption of red mullet, whiting, turbot from the Southwest Black Sea
S Mol, FS Karakulak, S Ulusoy
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 17 (6), 1135-1143, 2017
Keeping quality of different packaged salted atlantic bonito “lakerda”
N Erkan, ŞY TOSUN, DU Alakavuk, Ş ULUSOY
Journal of Food Biochemistry 33 (5), 728-744, 2009
Combined effects of protein based edible film coatings and vacuum packaging on the quality of fresh sea bass fillets
N Erkan, S Dursun, S Ulusoy, S Akcay, M Yesiltas
Fleischwirtschaft international: journal for meat production and meat …, 2013
Chemical composition of wild and cultured marsh frog (Rana ridibunda)
F Įağiltay, Ö Özden, DD Tosun, A Atanasoff
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 20 (5), 1250-1254, 2014
Effects of essential oils on the survival of Salmonella Enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes on fresh Atlantic salmons (Salmo salar) during storage at 2 ± 1 °C
ŞY Tosun, D Üçok Alakavuk, Ş Ulusoy, N Erkan
Journal of Food Safety 38 (1), e12408, 2018
Preservation of stuffed mussels at 4 C in modified atmosphere packaging
Ş Ulusoy, Ö Özden
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 20 (3), 319-330, 2011
Effects of Air and Helium Cold Plasma on Sensory Acceptability and Quality of Fresh Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
S Mol, T Akan, S Kartal, S Coşansu, ŞY Tosun, DÜ Alakavuk, Ş Ulusoy, ...
Food and Bioprocess Technology 16 (3), 537-548, 2023
Potential health risks of heavy metals to the Turkish and Greek populations via consumption of Spiny Dogfish and Thornback Ray from the Sea of Marmara
S Mol, AE Kahraman, S Ulusoy
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19 (2), 109-117, 2018
Seasonal Micro- and Macro-Mineral Profile and Proximate Composition of Oyster (Ostrea edulis) Analyzed by ICP-MS
N Erkan, Ö Özden, Ş Ulusoy
Food analytical methods 4, 35-40, 2011
Seasonal variations in the macronutrient mineral and proximate composition of two clams (Chamelea gallina and Donax trunculus)
Ö Özden, N Erkan, Ş Ulusoy
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 60 (5), 402-412, 2009
Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on some quality attributes of a ready-to-eat salmon sushi
S Mol, D Ucok Alakavuk, S Ulusoy
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 13 (2), 394-406, 2014
Levels of trace elements in commercially important fish, crustaceans and mollusks from Istanbul fish market.
N Erkan, Ö Özden, Ș Ulusoy
Effect of microwave cooking on foodborne pathogens in fish
Ş Ulusoy, D Üçok Alakavuk, S Mol, S Coşansu
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (8), e14045, 2019
Determination of toxic metals in canned tuna sold in developed and developing countries: Health risk assessment associated with human consumption
Ş Ulusoy
Marine Pollution Bulletin 187, 114518, 2023
Quality changes of thermal pasteurized mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) during refrigerated storage at 4±1 C
ŞY Tosun, DÜ Alakvuk, Ş Ulusoy
Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33 (4), 117-123, 2018
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