Thibaut Dauhut
Thibaut Dauhut
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
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Overview of the Meso-NH model version 5.4 and its applications
C Lac, JP Chaboureau, V Masson, JP Pinty, P Tulet, J Escobar, M Leriche, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (5), 1929-1969, 2018
B Stevens, S Bony, D Farrell, F Ament, A Blyth, C Fairall, J Karstensen, ...
Earth System Science Data 13 (8), 4067-4119, 2021
Simulated tropical precipitation assessed across three major phases of the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP)
S Fiedler, T Crueger, R D’Agostino, K Peters, T Becker, D Leutwyler, ...
Monthly Weather Review 148 (9), 3653-3680, 2020
Overview of the Meso-NH model version 5.4 and its applications, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1929–1969, 10.5194
C Lac, JP Chaboureau, V Masson, JP Pinty, P Tulet, J Escobar, M Leriche, ...
Overview of the Meso-NH model version 5.4 and its applications, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1929–1969
C Lac, JP Chaboureau, V Masson, JP Pinty, P Tulet, J Escobar, M Leriche, ...
Large‐eddy simulations of Hector the convector making the stratosphere wetter
T Dauhut, JP Chaboureau, J Escobar, P Mascart
Atmospheric Science Letters 16 (2), 135-140, 2015
Ship- and island-based atmospheric soundings from the 2020 EUREC4A field campaign
CC Stephan, S Schnitt, H Schulz, H Bellenger, SP De Szoeke, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-35, 2020
Giga-LES of Hector the Convector and its two tallest updrafts up to the stratosphere
T Dauhut, JP Chaboureau, J Escobar, P Mascart
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73 (12), 5041-5060, 2016
The mechanisms leading to a stratospheric hydration by overshooting convection
T Dauhut, JP Chaboureau, PH Haynes, TP Lane
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75 (12), 4383-4398, 2018
Fennec dust forecast intercomparison over the Sahara in June 2011
JP Chaboureau, C Flamant, T Dauhut, C Kocha, JP Lafore, C Lavaysse, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (11), 6977-6995, 2016
Ship-and island-based atmospheric soundings from the 2020 EUREC4A field campaign, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 491–514
CC Stephan, S Schnitt, H Schulz, H Bellenger, SP de Szoeke, ...
Convective hydration in the tropical tropopause layer during the StratoClim aircraft campaign: pathway of an observed hydration patch
KO Lee, T Dauhut, JP Chaboureau, S Khaykin, M Krämer, C Rolf
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (18), 11803-11820, 2019
The contribution of convection to the stratospheric water vapor: The first budget using a global storm‐resolving model
T Dauhut, C Hohenegger
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (5), e2021JD036295, 2022
The atmospheric overturning induced by Hector the Convector
T Dauhut, JP Chaboureau, P Mascart, O Pauluis
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 74 (10), 3271-3284, 2017
Flower trade‐wind clouds are shallow mesoscale convective systems
T Dauhut, F Couvreux, D Bouniol, F Beucher, L Volkmer, V Pörtge, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 149 (750), 325-347, 2023
Reply to “Comments on ‘A third-law isentropic analysis of a simulated hurricane’”
P Marquet, T Dauhut
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75 (10), 3735-3747, 2018
The diurnal cycle of the clouds extending above the tropical tropopause observed by spaceborne lidar
T Dauhut, V Noel, IA Dion
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (6), 3921-3929, 2020
Ice injected into the tropopause by deep convection–Part 1: In the austral convective tropics
IA Dion, P Ricaud, P Haynes, F Carminati, T Dauhut
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (9), 6459-6479, 2019
Near-inertial motions in the Brazil Current at 24 S-36 S: Observations by satellite tracked drifters
AT Assireu, T Dauhut, FA dos Santos, JA Lorenzzetti
Continental Shelf Research 145, 1-12, 2017
910 Pianezze, J., Redelsperger, J
C Lac, JP Chaboureau, V Masson, JP Pinty, P Tulet, J Escobar, M Leriche, ...
L., Ricard, D., Richard, E., Riflette, S., Rodier, Q., Schoetter, R …, 0
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