Thomas Pütz
Thomas Pütz
Forschungszentrum Jülich
A network of terrestrial environmental observatories in Germany
S Zacharias, H Bogena, L Samaniego, M Mauder, R Fuß, T Pütz, ...
Vadose zone journal 10 (3), 955-973, 2011
In situ soil water extraction: a review
L Weihermüller, J Siemens, M Deurer, S Knoblauch, H Rupp, A Göttlein, ...
Journal of environmental quality 36 (6), 1735-1748, 2007
Actual evapotranspiration and precipitation measured by lysimeters: a comparison with eddy covariance and tipping bucket
S Gebler, HJ Hendricks Franssen, T Pütz, H Post, M Schmidt, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 19 (5), 2145-2161, 2015
20 years of long-term atrazine monitoring in a shallow aquifer in western Germany
D Vonberg, J Vanderborght, N Cremer, T Pütz, M Herbst, H Vereecken
Water research 50, 294-306, 2014
Estimating precipitation and actual evapotranspiration from precision lysimeter measurements
F Schrader, W Durner, J Fank, S Gebler, T Pütz, M Hannes, ...
Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 543-552, 2013
The TERENO‐Rur hydrological observatory: A multiscale multi‐compartment research platform for the advancement of hydrological science
HR Bogena, C Montzka, JA Huisman, A Graf, M Schmidt, M Stockinger, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-22, 2018
Spatiotemporal relations between water budget components and soil water content in a forested tributary catchment
A Graf, HR Bogena, C Drüe, H Hardelauf, T Pütz, G Heinemann, ...
Water resources research 50 (6), 4837-4857, 2014
Atrazine soil core residue analysis from an agricultural field 21 years after its ban
D Vonberg, D Hofmann, J Vanderborght, A Lelickens, S Köppchen, T Pütz, ...
Journal of environmental quality 43 (4), 1450-1459, 2014
TERENO-SOILCan: a lysimeter-network in Germany observing soil processes and plant diversity influenced by climate change
T Pütz, R Kiese, U Wollschläger, J Groh, H Rupp, S Zacharias, E Priesack, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-14, 2016
A terrestrial observatory approach to the integrated investigation of the effects of deforestation on water, energy, and matter fluxes
HR Bogena, R Bol, N Borchard, N Brüggemann, B Diekkrüger, C Drüe, ...
Science China Earth Sciences 58, 61-75, 2015
Inverse estimation of soil hydraulic and transport parameters of layered soils from water stable isotope and lysimeter data
J Groh, C Stumpp, A Lücke, T Pütz, J Vanderborght, H Vereecken
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-19, 2018
Analysis of aged sulfadiazine residues in soils using microwave extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
M Förster, V Laabs, M Lamshöft, T Pütz, W Amelung
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 391, 1029-1038, 2008
Determining dew and hoar frost formation for a low mountain range and alpine grassland site by weighable lysimeter
J Groh, V Slawitsch, M Herndl, A Graf, H Vereecken, T Pütz
Journal of Hydrology 563, 372-381, 2018
Limited transport of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in two natural soils
D Kasel, SA Bradford, J Šimůnek, T Pütz, H Vereecken, E Klumpp
Environmental Pollution 180, 152-158, 2013
A comprehensive filtering scheme for high-resolution estimation of the water balance components from high-precision lysimeters
M Hannes, U Wollschläger, F Schrader, W Durner, S Gebler, T Pütz, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (8), 3405-3418, 2015
Soil water extraction with a suction cup: Results of numerical simulations
L Weihermüller, R Kasteel, J Vanderborght, T Pütz, H Vereecken
Vadose Zone Journal 4 (4), 899-907, 2005
Intercomparison of flow and transport models applied to vertical drainage in cropped lysimeters
M Herbst, W Fialkiewicz, T Chen, T Pütz, D Thiéry, C Mouvet, G Vachaud, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 4 (2), 354-359, 2005
Identifying a rainfall event threshold triggering herbicide leaching by preferential flow
GS McGrath, C Hinz, M Sivapalan, J Dressel, T Pütz, H Vereecken
Water Resources Research 46 (2), 2010
TERENO: German network of terrestrial environmental observatories
HR Bogena
Journal of large-scale research facilities JLSRF 2, A52-A52, 2016
Dissolved organic carbon fluxes under bare soil
J Mertens, J Vanderborght, R Kasteel, T Pütz, R Merckx, J Feyen, ...
Journal of environmental quality 36 (2), 597-606, 2007
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