Imanol Basterretxea (ORCID: 0000-0003-2946-010X)
Imanol Basterretxea (ORCID: 0000-0003-2946-010X)
Profesor Titular. Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU
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Managing and resisting ‘degeneration’in employee-owned businesses: A comparative study of two large retailers in Spain and the United Kingdom
J Storey, I Basterretxea, G Salaman
Organization 21 (5), 626-644, 2014
Management training as a source of perceived competitive advantage: The Mondragon Cooperative Group case
I Basterretxea, E Albizu
Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (2), 199-222, 2011
Impact of management and innovation capabilities on performance: Are cooperatives different?
I Basterretxea, R Martínez
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83 (3), 357-381, 2012
Corporate governance as a key aspect in the failure of worker cooperatives
I Basterretxea, C Cornforth, I Heras-Saizarbitoria
Economic and industrial democracy 43 (1), 362-387, 2022
Mediation effects of trust and contracts on knowledge-sharing and product innovation: Evidence from the European machine tool industry
J Charterina, J Landeta, I Basterretxea
European journal of innovation management 21 (2), 274-293, 2018
Do employee‐owned firms produce more positive employee behavioural outcomes? If not why not? A British‐Spanish comparative analysis
I Basterretxea, J Storey
British Journal of Industrial Relations 56 (2), 292-319, 2018
Types of embedded ties in buyer-supplier relationships and their combined effects on innovation performance
J Charterina, I Basterretxea, J Landeta
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 31 (2), 152-163, 2016
Can employee ownership and human resource management policies clash in worker cooperatives? Lessons from a defunct cooperative
I Basterretxea, I Heras‐Saizarbitoria, A Lertxundi
Human Resource Management 58 (6), 585-601, 2019
Coopetition and innovation. Lessons from worker cooperatives in the Spanish machine tool industry
I Basterretxea, J Charterina, J Landeta
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34 (6), 1223-1235, 2019
¿ Es posible resistir a la crisis?: Un análisis desde la gestión de las políticas de formación y empleo en Mondragón
IB Markaida, EA Gallastegi
CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 75-96, 2010
Do co-ops speak the managerial lingua franca? An analysis of the managerial discourse of Mondragon cooperatives
I Heras-Saizarbitoria, I Basterretxea
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 4 (1), 13-21, 2016
Collaborative relationships with customers: generation and protection of innovations
J Charterina, I Basterretxea, J Landeta
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 32 (5), 733-741, 2017
Does training policy help to attract, retain, and develop valuable human resources? Analysis from the Mondragon case
I Basterretxea, E Albizu
Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms …, 2011
Flexibilidad laboral y generación de empleo en tiempos de crisis: El caso de Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa
I Basterretxea, E Albizu
Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa 7 (3), 83-98, 1998
Sources of Competitive Advantage in the Mondragon Cooperative Group
I Basterretxea
Basque Cooperativism 131, 2011
Intercooperation, flexicurity and their impact on workers: The case of Fagor Electrodomésticos
J Santos‐Larrazabal, I Basterretxea
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 93 (3), 607-635, 2022
Colaboración entre centros de Formación profesional y empresas en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca
I Basterretxea, A González, M Saiz, L Simón, A OLASOLO
Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao, 2002
Do co-ops speak the managerial lingua franca? An analysis of the managerial discourse of Mondragon cooperatives
I Heras, I Basterretxea
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 4 (1), 13-21, 2016
La política de formación como fuente de ventaja competitiva en la experiencia Mondragón. Un análisis desde la visión basada en los recursos
I Basterretxea
Unpublished doctoral thesis, Department of Business Management, University …, 2008
Resilience of cooperatives in times of crisis: Are Mondragons strategies in coping with crisis still a competitive advantage
J Landeta, I Basterretxea, E Albizu
The Basque Fiscal System Contrasted to Nevada and Catalonia in the Time of …, 2016
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