適用於公開取用強制性政策的文章 - Les Copeland瞭解詳情
Starch–lipid and starch–lipid–protein complexes: A comprehensive review
S Wang, C Chao, J Cai, B Niu, L Copeland, S Wang
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 19 (3), 1056-1079, 2020
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mechanisms underlying the formation of complexes between maize starch and lipids
C Chao, J Yu, S Wang, L Copeland, S Wang
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66 (1), 272-278, 2018
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Insights into the formation and structures of starch–protein–lipid complexes
S Wang, M Zheng, J Yu, S Wang, L Copeland
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65 (9), 1960-1966, 2017
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Structural Orders of Wheat Starch Do Not Determine the In Vitro Enzymatic Digestibility
S Wang, S Wang, L Liu, S Wang, L Copeland
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65 (8), 1697-1706, 2017
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mechanisms of starch gelatinization during heating of wheat flour and its effect on in vitro starch digestibility
P Guo, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Food Hydrocolloids 82, 370-378, 2018
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effects of chain length and degree of unsaturation of fatty acids on structure and in vitro digestibility of starch–protein–fatty acid complexes
M Zheng, C Chao, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 66 (8), 1872-1880, 2018
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
RS5 produced more butyric acid through regulating the microbial community of human gut microbiota
R Qin, J Wang, C Chao, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (10), 3209-3218, 2021
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of starch-lipid complexes during simulated food processing: A dynamic structural analysis
C Chao, S Huang, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Carbohydrate Polymers 244, 116464, 2020
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Molecular disassembly of rice and lotus starches during thermal processing and its effect on starch digestibility
S Wang, Y Sun, J Wang, S Wang, L Copeland
Food & function 7 (2), 1188-1195, 2016
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effects of starch damage and yeast fermentation on acrylamide formation in bread
S Wang, J Yu, Q Xin, S Wang, L Copeland
Food Control 73, 230-236, 2017
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
New insight into starch retrogradation: The effect of short-range molecular order in gelatinized starch
S Huang, C Chao, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang
Food Hydrocolloids 120, 106921, 2021
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mechanistic studies of starch retrogradation and its effects on starch gel properties
X Liu, C Chao, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang
Food Hydrocolloids 120, 106914, 2021
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Structural changes of starch–lipid complexes during postprocessing and their effect on in vitro enzymatic digestibility
R Qin, J Yu, Y Li, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67 (5), 1530-1536, 2019
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Gelatinization behavior of starch: Reflecting beyond the endotherm measured by differential scanning calorimetry
Y Liu, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Food chemistry 284, 53-59, 2019
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effects of particle size and water content during cooking on the physicochemical properties and in vitro starch digestibility of milled durum wheat grains
P Guo, J Yu, S Wang, S Wang, L Copeland
Food Hydrocolloids 77, 445-453, 2018
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effect of purple yam flour substitution for wheat flour on in vitro starch digestibility of wheat bread
X Liu, K Lu, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang, S Wang
Food Chemistry 284, 118-124, 2019
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
New insights into starch gelatinization by high pressure: Comparison with heat-gelatinization
Y Liu, C Chao, J Yu, S Wang, S Wang, L Copeland
Food chemistry 318, 126493, 2020
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Changes of starch during thermal processing of foods: Current status and future directions
X Liu, S Huang, C Chao, J Yu, L Copeland, S Wang
Trends in Food Science & Technology 119, 320-337, 2022
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
New insight into the interactions among starch, lipid and protein in model systems with different starches
J Cai, C Chao, B Niu, L Copeland, J Yu, S Wang, S Wang
Food Hydrocolloids 112, 106323, 2021
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Revisiting mechanisms underlying digestion of starches
Y Wang, C Chao, H Huang, S Wang, S Wang, S Wang, L Copeland
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 67 (29), 8212-8226, 2019
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China