適用於公開取用強制性政策的文章 - Michael Obersteiner瞭解詳情
The effect of global change on soil phosphatase activity
O Margalef, J Sardans, J Maspons, R Molowny‐Horas, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (22), 5989-6003, 2021
授權規定: European Commission, Government of Spain
Fundamentals, speculation or macroeconomic conditions? Modelling and forecasting Arabica coffee prices
J Crespo Cuaresma, J Hlouskova, M Obersteiner
European Review of Agricultural Economics 45 (4), 583-615, 2018
授權規定: European Commission
Integrated model for robust emission trading under uncertainties: cost-effectiveness and environmental safety
Y Ermoliev, T Ermolieva, M Jonas, M Obersteiner, F Wagner, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 98, 234-244, 2015
授權規定: European Commission
Agricultural trade impacts global phosphorus use and partial productivity
Z Bai, L Liu, M Obersteiner, A Mosnier, X Chen, Z Yuan, L Ma
Nature Food 4 (9), 762-773, 2023
授權規定: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Price trends and volatility scenarios for designing forest sector transformation
K Lochhead, S Ghafghazi, P Havlik, N Forsell, M Obersteiner, G Bull, ...
Energy Economics 57, 184-191, 2016
授權規定: Genome Canada
Mapping human impact using crowdsourcing
L See, S Fritz, C Perger, C Schill, F Albrecht, I McCallum, ...
Mapping Wilderness: Concepts, Techniques and Applications, 89-101, 2016
授權規定: Austrian Science Fund
Killing two birds with one stone: a negative emissions strategy for a soft landing of the US coal sector
P Patrizio, S Leduc, F Kraxner, S Fuss, G Kindermann, K Spokas, ...
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage, 219-236, 2019
授權規定: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Socioeconomic Value of Hydrometeorological Information in Austria
N Khabarov, A Krasovskii, A Schwartz, I McCallum, M Obersteiner
GEOValue, 283-296, 2017
授權規定: European Commission
The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview
K Riahi, DP Van Vuuren, E Kriegler, J Edmonds, BC O’neill, S Fujimori, ...
Global environmental change 42, 153-168, 2017
授權規定: US Department of Energy
Biophysical and economic limits to negative CO2 emissions
P Smith, SJ Davis, F Creutzig, S Fuss, J Minx, B Gabrielle, E Kato, ...
Nature climate change 6 (1), 42-50, 2016
授權規定: Research Council of Norway
Human-induced nitrogen–phosphorus imbalances alter natural and managed ecosystems across the globe
J Peñuelas, B Poulter, J Sardans, P Ciais, M Van Der Velde, L Bopp, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2934, 2013
授權規定: Research Foundation (Flanders), Government of Spain
Land-use futures in the shared socio-economic pathways
A Popp, K Calvin, S Fujimori, P Havlik, F Humpenöder, E Stehfest, ...
Global Environmental Change 42, 331-345, 2017
授權規定: CGIAR
The marker quantification of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2: A middle-of-the-road scenario for the 21st century
O Fricko, P Havlik, J Rogelj, Z Klimont, M Gusti, N Johnson, P Kolp, ...
Global Environmental Change 42, 251-267, 2017
授權規定: CGIAR
Global priority areas for ecosystem restoration
BBN Strassburg, A Iribarrem, HL Beyer, CL Cordeiro, R Crouzeilles, ...
Nature 586 (7831), 724-729, 2020
授權規定: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy
D Leclère, M Obersteiner, M Barrett, SHM Butchart, A Chaudhary, ...
Nature 585 (7826), 551-556, 2020
授權規定: UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Natural Environment Research …
Citizen science and the United Nations sustainable development goals
S Fritz, L See, T Carlson, M Haklay, JL Oliver, D Fraisl, R Mondardini, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (10), 922-930, 2019
授權規定: European Commission
Mapping global cropland and field size
S Fritz, L See, I McCallum, L You, A Bun, E Moltchanova, M Duerauer, ...
Global change biology 21 (5), 1980-1992, 2015
授權規定: National Natural Science Foundation of China, CGIAR
The meaning of net zero and how to get it right
S Fankhauser, SM Smith, M Allen, K Axelsson, T Hale, C Hepburn, ...
Nature Climate Change 12 (1), 15-21, 2022
授權規定: UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Natural Environment Research …
Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5 C world
S Roe, C Streck, M Obersteiner, S Frank, B Griscom, L Drouet, O Fricko, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (11), 817-828, 2019
授權規定: Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Nutrient availability as the key regulator of global forest carbon balance
M Fernández-Martínez, S Vicca, IA Janssens, J Sardans, S Luyssaert, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (6), 471-476, 2014
授權規定: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission, Government of Spain